(From TWD)
Yeah, I don't expect this to be reported on the Chyron troubled propaganda network anytime soon. Because it certainly would be too painful to bear.
An independent report examining the undercover videos filmed in offices of the national anti-poverty group ACORN states the employees portrayed in the videos did not engage in any illegal activity.
The report by former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger calls for the organization to take nine steps to strengthen its management and oversight structures as part of a "roadmap for reform and renewal" in order to regain public trust shaken by the video controversy.
"The report is part vindication, part constructive criticism and 100% roadmap to the future," ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said.
The news is oh so devastating that it lead to Big Government, the ones who have manufactured the rise of "ACORN is a moral evil" sentiment with these videos from the clown wannabe pimp and his prostitute, to concede that ACORN committed no crimes
ACORN did in fact engage in no criminal wrongdoing by offering advice to a “pimp” and “prostitute” about how to hide assets and their business practices. Simply offering such advice is not illegal.
But......um, aren't guys not suppose to say that. I mean, it hurts your credibility and all, doesn't it?
Maybe because they could be hiding even more. Oh the damnation of this all:
UPDATED: Very interesting note from TPM's Josh Marshall:
You may have heard that an independent report found that there was "no pattern of intentional, illegal conduct by ACORN." But what they also found was that not only were the videos substantially edited but that the editing also involved substitute voiceovers of the faux pimp and hooker who made the videos. So it's not really possible to see what the ACORN staffers were responding to.
Question: Why won't Breitbart, in the name of transparency and full disclosure, force his undercover video makers to post all their ACORN film online, unedited? What is Breitbart hiding? And why won't he detail how much of the ACORN tapes were edited and doctored?
I guess that means that CNN should do a follow up story on their "investigation report" since they were pushed by the comedy propaganda channel to do such a report. Maybe I should give them a call on that.
Leak, leak, leak, leak, leak. Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.
(As always everyone, Thanks for the Rec's)