After you write your check to your favorite Hurricane Katrina relief fund, keep that checkbook out.
Remember charity begins at home.
Start shopping to assemble your personal preparedness "Bug Out Bag" for you and your family members.
More below.
I lived in St. Louis during the Great Flood of 1993 and saw what happened to people evacuated in the middle of the night for fear of rising water and gas explosion.
I lived in central Illinois' Tornado Alley and spent what seemed like most of two summers in the basement.
I've also been on both sides of a badge (as a law enforcement officer and a civilian) in riots.
Earthquake, flood, fire, terrorism, civil disturbance...anything can happen to anybody at anytime.
I've learned never to assume anything...including that you'll be able to stay or even be safe in your own home.
My Bug-Out kits are stored in high quality marine bags (for when things must stay dry and float if necessary) and include a Katadyn water filtration system with replacement cartridges, a Freeplay wind-up radio and flashlight and advanced first aid kit among other items.
What is happening in the Gulf Coast is a tragedy. It should also be an object lesson in preparedness for all of us.
Let's get some ideas going and share links.