Roland Burris could prove that he's not a liar, but then he'd have to ... well, you know the rest:
Sen. Roland Burris (D-IL) claims he has proof he never made an inconsistent statement about his appointment to the Senate, only he can't show it to you.
The proof, his lawyer said, lies in a secret memo that Burris prepared this month. The lawyer, Tim Wright, said the memo will show that the media is responsible for Burris' shifting accounts of how then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich came to appoint him to be Illinois' junior senator.
Of course this isn't the first time Burris has blamed the media for his woes:
But the media now is almost destroying my character because they're not accurately reporting what really transpired.
And while some might argue that the only reason the media hasn't reported what really transpired is because they've reported Burris' own words, forget that and just wait for the release of the secret memo that will be "provided to the public later this week" released at some point ... maybe.