Earlier, I expressed my astonishment that the Pittsburgh shooter's cop killer's (Poplawski is no longer even Pittsburgh's top shooting story) motives, described by his friend in a television interview, resulted in the following rather amazing exchange:
Reporter: Did he ever say anything to you? Like, ever indicate any signs that made you concerned, or made you...
Friend: He just basically told me he didn’t like the Zionist control over our government, he didn’t like that there was about to be military policing, he didn’t believe in the fact that there was about to be a gun ban. He didn’t like anything that was going on in the political forefront, and he was basically very politically active, and he didn’t agree with what was going on right now in the United States of America. But what made him snap, I have no clue.
Reporter: So he never... there was never, when he was expressing his opinion, there was never something that went off inside, that made you [think] that there could be a situation like this?
I know I already commented on this, but I can't help doing so again, seeing it all laid out in front of me a second time.
Did he ever indicate any signs that made you concerned?
Well, he didn't like Zionist control over our government or that there was going to be military policing and a gun ban.
So just another day at the office, then? Okey-doke!
Now, it's fair to wonder whether maybe we're just talking about a local reporter covering a rather shocking crime domestic terrorist attack and losing her bearings for a moment in the craziness of it all. Though I really have a hard time believing what I was hearing in that she's clearly probing for the "why" question, has the "why" handed to her in rather shocking and explicit terms, and then says, "So, really no reason that's out of the ordinary, then?"
But unfortunately, it's about a bit more than just this one reporter's reaction.
Check out this CNN headline:
Urinating dog triggered argument resulting in 3 officers' deaths
Gosh, it's all just such random perversity, you know? Who, after all, can control a dog and keep it from peeing on the carpet? Of course, one shouldn't shoot police officers when one's dog tinkles on the rug, but there's no accounting for craziness! He was bound to go off eventually -- for some unknown reason! -- and that silly dog was just the random trigger to the tragedy! Bad doggie!
Paragraph 17 (of 22) finally mentions that:
he had been "stockpiling guns and ammunition, buying and selling the weapons online, because he believed that as a result of the economic collapse, the police were no longer able to protect society."
Oh, yeah? Is that right? Interesting. What did the dog think?
ABC News:
Urinating Dog Sparked Cop-Killing 'Battle'
How about, "Sparked?"
Paragraph 12 of 20:
DiMarco said his friend was "preparing for the end of the world," and that Poplawski had stockpiled bottled water and bags of rice. When asked why his friend had so many weapons, he replied, "for protection."
ABC News' proximate cause of death: Dog whiz.
By the way, paragraph 18:
But there are no indications yet that the attack was planned in advance and police still do not have a motive.
Which is just about the same conclusion the New York Times reached:
But no one could explain why he did what he did on Saturday.
Hmm. I think we're safe with the dog piss motive, then. Who hasn't wanted to kill people after their dog pissed... using weapons and bullet-proof vests they've been stockpiling to fight against the encroachment of the Zionist-dominated New World Order they've been hearing about on the FOX Nutwork?
That's kind of a "regular guy" problem, isn't it? I wouldn't look twice at it.
So far, I've only seen the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette dare to say:
Suspect in officers' shooting was into conspiracy theories
The P-G, it seems, was interested enough in what would make someone prepare for housebreaking problems by stockpiling weapons and participating in fringe politics to at least print that material. No word on whether they're going to eventually settle on blaming the dog.
But it's got to be the dog, right?
The fact that this loon had guns is not really that much of a story. It's scary, because he was crazy. But even most gun rights supporters will tell you it's scary when crazy people have guns.
The story here is that there's a certain vocal percentage in our country who don't view people who believe our government is "Zionist-controlled" and is planning imminent "military policing" and "gun bans" as crazy.
How could they be crazy, when there's a free basic cable television "news" network that tells them all of this?
Hey, you're a normal guy, right? And you have FOX News on your cable, right? You might not watch it, but it's not like you went out and subscribed specially to this nutty, fringe channel, right? So it must be "normal" stuff on there. Because it's just regular, basic cable. They all wear suits and sit at desks. So it's not nutter stuff. If it was, they'd be wearing camouflage or something, right? And if it was really weird, a normal guy like you wouldn't have it on their basic cable, right? They have... rules about stuff like that. Somewhere. Don't they? They wouldn't just put crazy-ass bullshit on regular basic cable, right? Where kids and nutbars could see it?
I mean, if you want to belong to some crazy club, that's you're right, I guess. But you'd have to know the secret code word. Or at least pay extra for... something. Right? It wouldn't just be on your TV for free.
Now, if that weren't the case, then there'd be an opportunity for the rest of the traditional media to do some housecleaning. They've fought long and hard for the professional integrity of journalism, and letting FOX horn into the press conferences next to them as if they were just a normal everyday news organization would kill them.
It's killing cops, anyway. Well, something is.
If it's craziness like the stuff coming from FOX, and calling out the craziness of FOX becomes the responsibility of the traditional media, well then, I guess that explains how the murder of three Pittsburgh police officers came to be blamed on the dog.