Now THIS is how you shut down right wing talking points:
Notice how she just keeps going back to Nancy Pelosi? I think Elisabeth's head was going to explode. She then goes on to try to compare Obama to Bush and Cheney for having the Somali Pirates shot when they were holding an American at gunpoint for days. This whole exchange shows that it's quite easy to shut down the FAUX News talking points because they aren't legitimate arguments because there IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR TORTURE.
Now I don't know why I watch The View, I think I just enjoy a good dose of anger around 11 AM on weekdays, but Elisabeth never disappoints. She really is just like her SNL character, it seems like she prints off her "facts" from RW sites and then presents whatever is on those sheets as the truth, when they aren't. There is no evidence that Pelosi is lying about anything. Indeed, more people are inclined to believe she is telling the truth than the CIA. Gotta love Elisabeth's "concern" about Pelosi who couldn't have stopped the Bush/Cheney torture train back then even if she DID know what they were doing.
BTW, my favorite part was when he shut her down for trying to use "enhanced interrogation" instead of "torture" and called it "Dick Cheney changing a word" and that "he made it up to cover his ass" ~lol~
I do agree that Democrats AND Republicans were involved in the methods that were used, but I don't really think that's why Obama is washing his hands of it right now.
Here's a description of the exchange from the Huffington Post (Sorry, I can't find an actual transcript):
The exchange was good-natured and lively, with Ventura asking some leading rhetorical questions before making a few rather provocative political points.
"If waterboarding is OK, why don't we let our police do it to suspects so they can learn what they know?" he asked. "If waterboarding is OK, why didn't we waterboard [Timothy] McVeigh and Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombers, to find out if there were more people involved? ... We only seem to waterboard Muslims... Have we waterboarded anyone else? Name me someone else who has been waterboarded."
Hasselbeck, for her part, tried to pin the debate on Nancy Pelosi, whom she accused of lying about what and when she knew of the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.
"What do you think about Nancy Pelosi in terms of what she's claiming with the CIA lying?" she asked, to begin the segment.
"I think what's worse is the fact that it happened," replied Ventura. "If we hadn't waterboarded to begin with, none of this would be a controversy, would it? Torture is torture. If you're going to be a country that follows the rule of law, which we are, torture is illegal."
This is just plain pathetic:
"The View's" Elizabeth Hasselbeck joked that Nancy Pelosi should undergo enhanced interrogation on Fox News' "Huckabee" this past Saturday.
It's certainly disappointing, I think to try to diminish or intelligence agencies... And you know whether she's lying or not - I don't know. Maybe she needs to a little enhanced interrogation to figure it out... I'm just throwing it out there!
The former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee got a kick out of Hasselbeck's suggestion.
Video at the link. I bet she thought that was a witty comment. Stay Classy "GOP"
(h/t to msmacgyver and Blue Sue)