In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday, House Republican Leader John Boehner conceded that despite his attacks on Speaker Pelosi for accusing the CIA of lying to Congress, he too believes that the agency has lied to Congress.
Boehner said the CIA had lied to Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra last year about the 2001 downing of a plane in Peru carrying an American missionary and her daughter.
BLITZER: Last year, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, he said this in response to a case that he was watching very closely — an American citizen who was killed in a plane crash — a coverup, he alleged, involving the CIA.
He said these words: "We cannot have an intelligence community that covers up what it does and then lies to Congress."
That’s what Pete Hoekstra said in 2008.
BOEHNER: Pete Hoekstra did say that, and the inspector general at the CIA did an investigation, and it became clear that some CIA operatives did in fact cover this up.
BLITZER: You agree that the CIA then lied to Congress?
BOEHNER: I know as much about this case as Pete Hoekstra does, and the inspector general did in fact do an investigation, produced a report, and frankly supported, I think, Pete’s claims.