That Karl Rove lied isn't breaking news -- and actually, it would be news if he didn't -- but he usually at least tries to make his lies sound plausible. But today, during his latest smearing of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, he didn't even try:
What's interesting to me, though, is the question of how effective she's going to be on the Supreme Court. We know that David Souter was a cipher. We know from her record on the 2nd Court of Appeals that she's not a particularly effective colleague. I first got wind of this when Sam Alito, who was her colleague on the court while we were reviewing his record, it -- you know, people who were familiar with the workings of the court said that she was combative, opinionated, argumentative, and as a result, was not able to sort of help create a consensus opinion on important issues. [...]
VAN SUSTEREN: What did Justice Alito say about working with her?
ROVE: Well, I'm not going to comment on what he said about her, because I didn't hear him say anything specifically about her, but when I was talking to people [blah, blah, blah] ...
It's not surprising that Rove had no comment on what Alito had to say about working with Sotomayor, because he didn't -- as Media Matters points out, "Sotomayor served on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; Alito served on the 3rd Circuit."
The question is, will a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States allow his name to be used to further a baseless smear? Or will Samuel Alito have the guts to call out Karl Rove?