I decided to take a walk into crazy town to see the outpouring of sympathy over the homicide of abortion doctor George Tiller. I was genuinely shocked (shocked I say!) by what I found there instead...
(By the way, I should mention that there were plenty of voices of reason claiming that murder is a bad bad thing. I should also say that all the facts aren't out yet and maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a political killing.)
Whatever "church" Tiller attends must be worshipping satan.
I've known Satanists, actually. No worse than most of the Christians I've know.
"Why would an abortionist go to church?"
Great point. I wonder if they meant he was struck by lightning as he was entering the church.
Silly me, I keep forgetting how vengeful that OT god was.
This particular "church" was pro-abortion.
Wait, does that mean it wasn't really a church then? These Christian rules confuse the hell out of me.
Why is the death of a satanic worshipper tragic?
Sweet Zombie Jesus can we get over the Satanist thing?
Reichstag Fire.
I missed this one at first. Soooo... is this suggesting that an abortion advocate murdered Dr. Tiller to garner sympathy? Must have been. No Christ-loving anti-abortionist would do something so heinous.
This is not good for pro-life supporters....
You think???
Shooting causes more shooting.
Murder has a tendency to boomerang on the murderer. Today is an example.
He deserved it. Gotcha.
You do realize that if this story proves true, that it will be played by the liberal Barry media as the work committed by a rightwing extremist?
Yes, yes it will. Because murder is something we will not stand for. The word "illegal" comes to mind.
Because, as evil as Tiller was, murder is murder. As noted in the post you were responding to, somebody lost her brother today. That is tragic.
Voices of reason chirp in from time to time. Usually they get shot down quickly and put out of their misery...
Well here comes Rosie and the we’re all Taliban terrorists stories.
This is terrorism. Look it up.
He had the goods on Kathleen Sebelius, and that means she was blackmailable. I wonder if they will catch the killer on this one?!
Need more tinfoil?
Two thoughts beyond the ‘what right-wing nut thought that this was a good idea?’ -—
- Consider a leftwing assassin, along the lines of the black college student who defaces her own dorm or car with nooses so she can cry ‘racism.’
- The theme of today’s Psalm was
R. Alleluia.
If you take away their breath, they perish
and return to their dust.
When you send forth your spirit, they are created,
and you renew the face of the earth.
R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
Was this just some form of house/earth-cleaning?
Reichstag again?
Up to a few years ago, I would have agreed with your statement, Doug.
However, bush2 failed miserably with his "friendly tone" and I'm beginning to think we MUST bring a gun to a gun fight if we have any chance to win this battle against satan and his minions.
I've been thinking of buying a gun lately. Mostly because it seems as if all of the whackjobs have one.
If true, this will be used to shame and silence the pro-life movement.
We really just want you to stop with the killing people thing. Say your piece all you want.
May he rot in hell alongside the mothers who aided him in his "business".
Looks like George Tiller is facing his final judgment. Wonder how O Really will handle this one?
By apologizing for riling these people up? No, of course not.
What makes you think the killer was against abortion. Maybe Tiller just got shot randomly by some wacko, or by a friend or relative over some money or something.
You wish.
He reaped what he had sown: violent death.
The man did not enter womens' vaginas and engage in mortal combat with fetuses.
Tiller has committed outrage after outrage and not only gotten away with it, he has made a fortune! Sooner or later this had to happen.
No, it didn't have to.
The DHS memo has just been justified.
I hadn't thought of that one.
This whole "pro-life movement" concept is overblown. Liberals in power will not allow movements that aren’t their own.
You’re looking at this all wrong. The time for civility is quickly running out IMHO. In 10 years, we may wind up looking back at this moment as the first shot in the second American civil war.
I don’t advocate this view, I simply make an observation.
Love the disclaimer.
I understand your view. We all need to be armed. I don’t want to think it, but I am worried that things will become so bad, this nation may be facing another revolution. All the signs point to the Kenyan communist, who is surrounded by America haters, being sent here to destroy this nation.
Why waste an opportunity to insult Obama while discussing a story that has absolutely nothing to do with him?
Tiller killed over 350000 babies since 1969.
This is comparable with a major Nazi concentration camp in WW2.
No comment, except for Go Fuck Yourself.
Bet the killer is pro-abortion. This is not how to win the pro-life debate.
Pray for America and Our Troops
How much are you willing to lose on that bet?
Unfortunately, the judicial system failed miserably. If it hadn't, he would have been in jail where he belonged for performing illegal abortions.
Let me finish that for you... "so he had to be killed."
Here! Here!
This guy has killed far MORE people than the average jihadis, for which it is freeper PC to say
"May he rest pieces"
So are we all going to stop that epitaph against jihads, or are we ( I am not perfect either here) hypocrites.
We're not the ones acting like the Taliban here, buddy.
Could this be called ‘a very late term abortion’?
Ha ha ha ha... No, this we call homicide, exactly as it's described under the law.
...Let’s hope responses on this thread do not celebrate this. Let the other side celebrate death, not us. We need to defeat the dark side in the minds and hearts of people...
Rather let us rejoice in the fact that now, hundreds or thousands of babies may live as a result of this.
Dude, he wasn't the Last Dragon, possessing secret techniques that none other shall know. There are more abortion doctors.
Sorry DFU.
not with you on this one..
he reaped what he’s sowed same as anyone so evil
*shrug* Genocide has consequences.
I can't read this nonsense for much longer...
I just wonder if people would feel differently if the man had gone around killing toddlers.
Yes, yes we would. Two completely different things.
Shooting was too good for him. Too bad his body wasn't torn to pieces like his victims.
May he burn in hell for eternity.
Sounds cruel and unusual to me.
What’s more disturbing about this thread is all the handwringing over folks saying the truth about a man who literally killed thousands and thousands of babies...many that were viable.
That is what’s effed up here.
And from some folks I respected.
This guy wa a monster period.
Did you cry when Dahmer got killed in the joint?
Would you worry about Manson?
nothing personal but ya’ll are soft as butter.
I make no apologies whatsoever, folks here will be ill prepared for where we’re headed.
Where are we headed, anyway? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
I'm only surprised this didn't happen sooner, couldn't have happened to a better man, IMO.
Alright, I'm out of patience. Hope you didn't enjoy our little journey into murder-land.