Can I just say what a bunch of whining little wimps these Republicans all are? They love to present themselves as stoic, manly warriors, loving heir country above all else, willing to lay down their lives for it.
Until something happens they don't like and then they want to blow the thing up.
We've been polling the question. In Texas, 48 percent of Republicans (and 35 percent overall) would prefer Texas to be an Independent nation. In Georgia, 43 percent of Republicans (and 27 percent overall) want independence.
We decided to ask that question in our national weekly poll last week.
Do you think the state that you live in would be better off as an independent nation or as part of the United States of America?
US Independent
All 79 5
Northeast 90 2
South 61 9
Midwest 86 4
West 84 4
Would you approve or disapprove of the state that you live in leaving the United States?
Approve Disapprove Unsure
All 4 82 14
Northeast 1 94 5
South 8 63 29
Midwest 3 89 8
West 3 87 10
In most of the country, the 9 out of 10 people love America. But in the South, less than two-thirds would disapprove of their state leaving the US. And sure, while the "approve" contingent in the South is just 8 percent, 29 percent aren't sure.
Aren't sure? There's a debate as to whether leaving the US is good or bad? Is their love of America so shallow, so skin deep, that leaving the country is even an option? And check this out:
Would you approve or disapprove of the state that you live in leaving the United States?
Approve Disapprove Unsure
All 4 82 14
Dem 2 95 3
Rep 9 63 28
Ind 3 83 14
This is objective evidence that Democrats love America more than anyone else. 95 percent of them want their states to remain as part of the union, while only 63 percent -- less than two-thirds -- of Republicans similarly love their country.
Hence we'll continue to see wingnutty "sovereignty" resolutions and proclamations made in the South, and you'll continue getting wingnuts like Pittsburgh cop killer Richard Poplawski motivated to defy the authorities. As his friend said, "We recently discovered that 30 states had declared sovereignty. One of his concerns was, Why were these major events in America not being reported to the public?"
There's a lot of crazy out there, and it's mostly percolating among Republicans. Those bumper stickers that say "these colors don't run"? Well, they're running. America, love it or leave it? Well, they clearly don't love it as they yearn to leave it. And those flag lapel pins? They attacked liberals who wore them when in reality, it was THEM who needed to be pledging allegiance to a flag they'd apparently rather tear up and burn.