Woot! Michelle "Batshit Crazy" Bachmann, has a challenger for 2010. Oh happy day. This woman scares the bejeezus out of me. As much as I like a good mocking and she provides plenty of mockworthy moments, she needs to GO.
Grant physician says she'll pursue Michele Bachmann's seat
Who is this person we need to watch and possibly support? Her name is Dr. Maureen Reed. I don't know much about her yet, but the bar is not high here.
Dr. Maureen Reed, a Stillwater area physician and the Independence Party's 2006 nominee for lieutenant governor, today announced she would seek the endorsements of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor and Independence parties for the 6th Congressional District seat held by Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.
Her candidacy is official today (although there will be a more formal campaign kickoff later this summer) ...this is not just an "I might consider running" kind of thing.
Her comments today:
We are living through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, with staggering numbers of people unemployed, health care out of the reach of many folks, and thousands of Minnesotans losing their businesses and homes," said Dr. Reed. "While these problems are tough, I'm running for Congress because I know two things are true. First, Americans can solve tough problems. Second, a bright future is not accidental. We create a bright future when we put rhetoric aside, focus on the real problems, and work hard together. This is exactly what I've done all my life. The future I see is one of business expansion, job growth, home ownership and lower health care costs."
I'm hopeful that her career as a physician will be a positive in the healthcare debate. I'm also hopeful that she's a sane human being with common sense and she appears to be. Again, can't find too much about her policy positions yet but, dare I say: she CANNOT be worse than Bachmann? I know...be careful what you wish for, but right now, I'll take her! There are also reports that last year's challenger to Bachmann, Elwynn Tinklenberg, will make another run but a Reed in the hand right now, is worth a Bachmann out of office.
UPDATE: Rec List? Wow...thanks all.
UPDATE 2: ht to manonfyre,and benintn for add'l links: http://www.mnprogressiveproject.com/...