After the cliche-ridden screed that Andrew Breitbart wrote for the Washington Times earlier this week, I didn't think he could get any crazier. I was wrong.
Here, courtesy of John Cook at Gawker, is a voicemail rant from Breitbart, objecting to the Holocaust Museum shooter being described as a rightwinger:
John Cook, this is Andrew Breitbart. I'm basically fuming and I'm reading your shit at Gawker right now, saying that this guy's a rightwing extremist. And it's such a fucking slander on people like me. This guy went after, this guy was after neocons like me who are conservative. He had the address of The Weekly Standard there. Conservatives believe in individual liberty, they don't believe in group's rights. This guy's a multiculturalist, just like the black studies and the lesbian studies majors on college campuses. This guy was a 9/11 truther. This guy's hardly a rightwinger. This guy's political philosophy is more akin to the drivel that you hear on a college campus that delineates us by group, not by individuality. It's the exact opposite of my political philosophy. It's deeply offensive that you would use this for political gain. I could care less how you describe me in regards to Drudge or anything, but for you to put on me this fuck-face crime against humanity is so fucking beyond the pale.
First, who knew that neocons were such foul-mouthed little warmongers? And second, a rightwing bigot and racist answered the siren's song that's been playing every single day on Fox News, EIB radio, and in publications like the Washington Times, and now the very people who fed the hate are running as fast as they can to distance themselves from their own actions.
If it wasn't such a tragedy, it would be funny.