Last month 9-year-old Brisenia Flores and her parents were shot in their beds by home invaders led by Shawna Forde, a member of the Minutemen, an anti-illegal immigration group. Brisenia and her father were killed. Her mother managed to call for help and get a gun and when the intruders came back to make sure the victims were all dead, she used it and they ran away. This was written up in a recommended diary by M16eib last Friday.
I received a message today from America's Voice, an organization that advocates for sensible immigration reform, saying the the mainstream media is hardly covering the story. Yet it fits into the series of hate crimes we are seeing around the country, as does the acquittal in Pennsylvania of the high school boys who beat Luis Ramirez to death of all serious charges. America's Voice has asked that we publicize the story as much as possible, so what better place to start than Daily Kos?
The news last week was the arrest of three suspects in the case, all anti-illegal immigration activists. Fortunately Pima County, AZ has a fine sheriff in Clarence Dupnick. The three have been charged with first degree murder as well as other crimes. (Our law enforcement is not all like Joe Arpaio.)
Let's work to get these crimes included when discussions of right-wing hate crimes come up in the media. It is not by chance that one of the lies about President Obama has been that he was not born in this country. Immigrants are one of the trigger groups for hateful propoganda.
You can get more information here, as well as links to take action and spread the story, and a photograph that will break your heart.