Via the twitter feeds at #iranelection and #gr88 comes this interesting tidbit: yesterday's rally for Ahmadinejad's supporters was photoshopped to appear larger than it really was.
(N.B.: the original image comes from a website with a .ir extension: I'm not providing a direct link lest the domain be taken down)
See the circles showing where crowd images have been copied and repeated to add volume to the crowd that did not truly exist.
Of course, the only way the regime thought it could get away with such a blatant maneuver was through the ban on media coverage of all rallies and protests--a ban being ignored by regular Iranians on the street, but which is severely hampering media estimations of crowd sizes, as well as decent shots of crowd sizes.
When a thuggish government is so desperate that it has to photoshop pictures of its own rallies to give them more credibility vs. the opposition rallies, it's in some serious trouble.
Here's hoping the real rallies can effectuate real change in Iran. The regime has moved from simply thuggish to pathetically so.
Update: Several commenters have reminded me that this would not the first time the Iranian regime has doctored photos for propaganda purposes. Remember the faked missile launch photos as well. Potemkin missiles, Potemkin rallies.