I wanted to see,first hand, the response to Malia-gate over at FR and I find this piece of satire(?)
Even after much scrutiny FR can't help but posting hateful things about a young boy, who never asked to be thrust into the public.
Felix Afriyie is a young man in Ghana that resembles Pres. Obama. According to his family Felix has been a shy boy most of his life. But with his recently discovered popularity due to his resemblance of Pres. Obama Felix has come out of his shell. Felix is inspired by Obama, and has aspirations to becoming a Pastor when he grows up. He was even part of the welcoming committee for Pres. Obama.
So naturally FR takes this as an opportunity to not only degrade our President but this young man. With a poor attempt at satire and with comments like this within the blog:
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit to learn obozo the clown & fraud has a love child. Hence the pretense of an African apologetic tour.
Uh... I always heard it said, "They all look alike...."
Damn... That kid is suffering The Mark of Barack
Maybe they oughta name him Mark Obama... LMAO..
Dr. Dave: Hee Hee! Funny, those Kos nutjobs fail to see that by saying you are picking on a kid, they are admitting that obugger does indeed have a male love child!
Anyone can see that this was a satire. What child would actually admit that disgrace to the human race was his father if he didn't have to!
I gotta check out those libs now and maybe leave a snarky comment.
Bad juju, baby.
Not to mention one horribly altered photo of Felix and Obama that I refuse to re-post.
Sorry for the short diary. I'm just sitting at home trying to figure out how people can be so cruel.
Via Lizard People the full "satire" was published here:
***Update 2***
Oh no the author didn't like my diary :(
Bloodmeridian is all mad that we couldn't find the humor in his "satire" that uses an innocent boy to degrade the President.
Well, HELL...I just got picked up by the evil moonbats over at Daily Kos, who happen to claim that I am....wait for it....DISGUSTING...because they think I'm going after a "little boy"...when...if they had any brains and read the piece, they'd recognize that I'm....GOING AFTER THEIR FECKLESS ASSHOLE LEADER. Bring it on, folks. Bring it on....
Oh...and...thanks for the hits, moonbats!
your welcome?