From the Washington Post flier selling access for money:
"An exclusive opportunity to participate in the health-care reform debate among the select few who will actually get it done."
You have the second most important newspaper in the country feeding the Beltway conceit that anyone outside of the DC elite power structure is irrelevant, that only a powerful few will "actually get it done", and a little cash will help you "alter the debate".
[Washington Post CEO and Publisher Katherine] Weymouth knew of the plans to host small dinners at her home and to charge lobbying and trade organizations for participation. But, one of the executives said, she believed that there would be multiple sponsors, to minimize any appearance of charging for access, and that the newsroom would be in charge of the scope and content of any dinners in which Post reporters and editors participated.
See? It wasn't about eliminating that appearance. Just about "minimizing" it. Because when you claim that selling access to key journalists and members of the administration will help you "alter the debate", it'd be silly to claim that you aren't charging for access.
As for the rest of you riff-raff, fuck you. You aren't in the "select few".