Crossposted from Docudharma
In Republican/Blue Dog America, only one thing matters, power.
And only one group gets to have power:
BILL O'REILLY: But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the far-left want? They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you're a part, and so am I....
The context and attributions can be found here: Preserving the ‘white, Christian, male power structure.’
In Republican/Blue Dog America there is only one goal, screw everyone else to claw your way to the top that then you can REALLY screw everyone else.
In Republican/Blue Dog America therefore, everything is very, very simple.
In Republican/Blue Dog America there can be no EFCA or Unions, because everyone has to work for whoever is on top. All Labor exists only to serve Capital.
In Republican/Blue Dog America abortion must be illegal because men are superior to women and thus have to be in control of their bodies.
In Republican/Blue Dog America education is a tool to teach obedience, not to free the mind, so public schools exist only to crank out ignorant workers who will serve (and vote for) whoever is on top.
In Republican/Blue Dog America the "lesser races" don't count, so it is not only ok to discriminate against them in every way you can think is also ok to launch pre-emptive wars against them.
In Republican/Blue Dog America if someone has information that might harm Republican/Blue Dog America, it is ok to torture them. If Republican/Blue Dog America is caught torturing against its laws and stated morals, they will not be prosecuted because they obviously had a good reason.
In Republican/Blue Dog America of course, Gay People are just icky, let's not even talk about them....if we ignore them enough, maybe they will just shut up and go away.
In "modern" Republican/Blue Dog America you can indeed rise to the top if you are born part of a minority (lesser) race! After you have sworn fealty to Republican/Blue Dog America and repudiated and renounced your heritage (See: Sotomayor) before a Blue Ribbon panel of Republican/Blue Dog Americans. Oh and distanced yourself from your preacher, if he told some of the truth about Republican/Blue Dog America. Safe minorities are welcome...they will still be viciously attacked, reviled and their authority questioned...but they are welcome, really. Unless of course they get all uppity or show any anger towards the injustices of Republican/Blue Dog America.
In Republican/Blue Dog America once you rise high enough, you can steal anything. If your greed then gets you in trouble, if you overreach and bankrupt your company and threaten the entire economy, the "Lower Classes" will pay for your mistake. And then you can immediately go back to stealing money from the lower classes and getting big bonuses for it!
Because in Republican/Blue Dog America government exists for only one reason, to make it easier for you to steal. IF you are far enough up the ladder to have "contributed" a pittance of what you steal to buy enough Senators and Congress members.
And of course....In Republican/Blue Dog America you can only have affordable decent Health Care if you have already clawed your way to the top.
In Republican/Blue Dog America, being on top is all that matters. Being on top of women, Being on top of gays, Being on top of workers, Being on top of any other nations, Being on top of "terrorists" no matter what our "morals' say, Being on top of "Lesser races," and of course, Being on top of the economic food chain.
Pretty odd for a group that doesn't believe in evolution!
If you haven't already made it to the top, mostly by being born on top, it is your own fault. Because OF COURSE those who were born on top are going to keep all those 'lower beings' from whatever means necessary. It is only natural, after all, that those on top can lie, steal, cheat, kill and torture better than lesser beings! How do you think they got to the top in the first place!?!?
By merit or ability or competence?
Don't be silly, what do you think this is....a democracy or something?
There is one central lie at the heart of Republican/Blue Dog America, that White Christian Males who have risen to the top of the Power Structure are innately superior to every other person on earth.
That lie is slowly....and VERY painfully....being exposed.
But until that process is done, until that lie and the attending Power Structure that has been built around it is destroyed, we are all in a weird Limbo. Because that lie and the attending Power Structure that surrounds it touches EVERY aspect of life on the planet.
Even as it is destroying the planet.
Until that lie has been destroyed sufficiently there will be no true economic justice, no equitable health care or economic equality. There will be no true social justice or equality. And there will be no true criminal justice or equality.
Because the White Christian Male Ruling Class (and if you are reading this, TRUST ME you are not a part of that Class. No matter what your skin color, religion or gender may be) ....the White Christian Male Ruling Class controls justice in this country, and seeks to control it in the rest of the world. And they will NOT give up that control, because they believe, as the revelations about The Family are proving, that it is their God Given right to do so.
Until they are proven wrong, which IS in the slow, painful process of happening, everything that the rest of humanity is fighting for....including the survival of the planet itself...will be fought against with every breath in their body. By any means necessary. And that is just the way it is, that IS what we are up against. That's the Bad News.
The Good News is...'we,' the rest of humanity are winning. We have allies in the government, we have allies in the media, and we have the greatest ally of all...the truth.
Just the fact that they are having to so blatantly expose themselves to keep their power now, just the fact the spotlight is on them and showing them for what they truly are after all of these decades is a HUGE victory.
So keep fighting...and keep Yelling!