Katy Abram of Arlen Spector Town Hall fame was interviewed by Lawrence O'Donnell last night and claimed that this health care initiative woke her up to politics. In fact, she helped to organize the protest before the Spector event and has been hosting Glenn Beckian 9-12 meetings at her home. She joined Meet-Up in December, 2006, with an interest in Conservative and Glenn Beck groups, though since last night she's scrubbed info about her interests from her profile. Here's an invitation to her 9-12 meeting:
At 11:52am on May 7, 2009, Katy said…
Hi Sandra,
Welcome to the Lebanon 9-12 Project! Please take a moment and check out the website. We have had one meeting so far and are having a second one this Saturday at my home in Creekside (North Cornwall Township.) If you are interested in attending please go to the Events section and RSVP. I look forward to meeting you.
Katy Abram
Katy's Hardball appearance with Lawrence O'Donnell:
Here are the minutes from her Glenn Beck 9-12 group meeting, with a suggested reading list:
Meeting minutes from 4/4/2009
Posted by Katy on April 5, 2009 at 9:00pm
View Katy's blog
- Meet and greet. Introduced ourselves and why we were there. 14 were in attendence.
There were many of us who used words like "afraid, worried, angry" regarding the state of our country. Many just want their country back and the government to stop interfering. Katy reiiterated that our cause is not to form a militia or to point the fingers at the right or left side of the aisle. There are problems across the entire system. We need to get back to the founding fathers principles.
- Our purpose
The 9-12 project is designed to bring us all back to the place we were on September 12, 2001. The day after America was attacked we were not obsessed with Red States, Blue States or political parties. We were united as Americans, standing together to protect the values and principles of the greatest nation ever created.
- Read the 9-12 Principles and Values
- What can we do on a local level?
Find people who represent the principles and values of 9-12.
- Form a book club for those interested in reading some of Glenn Beck’s suggested reading (i.e. “The 5,000 Year Leap”, The Real George Washington, The Real Thomas Jefferson, The Real Benjamin Franklin etc)
-Annette will head the book club. Beginning with “The 5,000 Year Leap.”
- Discussed events coming up:
a) Harrisburg Tea Party(Wed., April 15th 12-1pm at West Side
entrance to Rotunda)
b) 2nd Amendment Rally: April 22nd 10am-3:30pm
c) One member has a 15 passenger van. We agreed we can carpool amongst those attending various events.
- Do we have a monthly, bi-weekly meeting?
We will meet every 4-6 weeks. We will try to meet outside if weather permits. Annette said her teenager is good with kids and can watch other children during meetings. Next meeting will be held at Katy Abram’s house. She has a play structure and patio to accommodate us. We will try to keep it to parks, residences, etc due to it being loud at restaurants etc.
- Discussed website and forums for communications for our local group. Networking with other groups in PA and nationwide.
a) Eliminating the Qlubb.com site and switching to http://lebanonpa912project.ning.com/
By using the ning.com site we can utilize the live chat room, blog, posting pictures, videos, links, and we can monitor our own incoming emails (if you don’t want emails you can set up your account to suit those needs).
b) Join www.the912project.com (Glenn beck’s site)
a) Go to 912 project.com and vote for The Top 50 Wish List of what we want our demands to be to the government
- Discussed what has been culminating in the creation of groups throughout the country.
a) http://wesurroundthem-pa.ning.com/
b) http://wesurroundthemusa.ning.com/
Katy has been in contact with other organizers from across the country and the state through the above sites. We are attempting to coordinate different groups in a united effort (Constitution Party members, Commonwealth Foundation members, etc) for the greater good.
- Dealing with the media
a) http://www.congress.org/...
Here you can insert your zip code to get info on all your media outlets (radio, TV, newspapers, etc). Contact them!!!!
You can also have your representatives votes emailed to you each week to keep tabs on them. Their info is on www.congress.org as well.
****Subscribe to your rep’s weekly newsletter.
b) Go to the morning meeting to pitch story ideas with WGAL
(i.e. tea parties, rallies etc) . It begins at 9:30am-10am
@ http://www.wgal.com/...
- Do we want to have different people take on various aspects of the club?
We realize we need some type of structure. This will be determined hopefully at the next meeting. In the meantime we want to keep communications open and educate eachother on the founders and the principles. Also Adam Wheelan volunteered to be a researcher for our group. If you have something you want researched (especially on a local level for our group) please contact him or post on the site.
********Arlen Spector is up for reelection 2010
http://www.ourcountrydeservesbetter.... to contact our senators and their staff. First and foremost, call, and then fax, then email. That is the order of efficacy.
We also discussed pooling our resources (i.e. books, audio books, DVD's) to further educate ourselves. This is a way to avoid spending any undue money. We can share our resources and information.
And her invitation to fellow Deathers to attend the Tea Party before Spector's townhall:
Katy's Page
Katy commented on Katy's event 'Spector Town Hall Meeting'
Friends! The Permit has been granted!! We now have official permission to rally at the HACC Campus at 735 Cumberland Street in Lebanon! Senator Specter's office has now anounced that the doors will open at 9:00 am (Yes the time has changed regul...
on Monday
Katy commented on Katy's event 'Spector Town Hall Meeting'
I am forwarding this information to you from Jeff Griffith who is putting together the Tea Party prior to the town hall meeting being held by Arlen Spector. There have been some changes since this email was sent to me this weekend while I was out ...
on Monday
Katy added an event
Spector Town Hall Meeting at Multi-Purpose Room at HACC
August 11, 2009 from 9:30am to 11am
We have just learned that Senator Arlen Specter will be holding a Town Hall Meeting in Lebanon on Tuesday, August 11 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. The session, which will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room at Harrisburg Area Community College’s Campus in ...
July 30
Katy added a discussion
9-12ers everywhere have been busy fighting against the current health care legislation being proposed. We are now coming down to a critical time in the fight with back door deals being made by more moderate Republicans. It is critical that we tak...
July 29
Adam replied to Katy's discussion 'Trying not to tune out'
I say let's start pooling resources with other originations. There are others out there that think the way we do. Perhaps if we start going to our representatives together and threaten to replace them they will start listening or better yet replac...
July 22
Sandra Soderstedt replied to Katy's discussion 'Trying not to tune out'
I have the same feelings of being overwhelmed. I think that finding one thing to focus on would help. I like the idea of pushing the fight for the 10th Amendment. I have already contacted my representatives to say I support this movement and asked...
July 20
Katy replied to Katy's discussion 'Trying not to tune out'
Hi gentlemen, I got both your posts. ;-)
July 20
Jeffrey W. Griffith replied to Katy's discussion 'Trying not to tune out'
Katy, thank you for putting to words what many of us may have been feeling. Truthfully, it is an overwhelming task to face the battle that must be fought to regain our country. I agree that Tim Holden has to go and there are a number of people who...
July 19
Bill Kichman replied to Katy's discussion 'Trying not to tune out'
Here is how it looks from my perspective. Obama and crew are hell bent on applying their utopian view to this country, whether we like it or not. They aren't listening to the people or including Republicans in law making at all. It's still "all Bu...
July 19
Katy added a discussion
Trying not to tune out
I was speaking with one of our group members today and admitted that I have been "tuning out" to what has been going on the past couple of months. It has become to overwhelming to me what is becoming of this country and our government. I have not ...
July 19
Jeffrey W. Griffith commented on Katy's blog post 'Constitutional group in Lebanon'
I am a member of COOL and although I am fairly new to the our group (and have not yet connected with anyone) I would be glad to offer what info I can. Just shoot me an email.
May 11
Katy added a blog post
Constitutional group in Lebanon
I just found the website for the group Senator Folmer formed, the Constitional Organization Of Liber.ty, http://www.reclaimliberty.com/... It appears they do educational series about the Constitution. I believe Christian was going to contact one of ...
May 10
Sandra Soderstedt left a comment for Katy
May 7
Katy left a comment for Sandra Soderstedt
May 7
Katy commented on denise's event 'taxpayer state capitol protest'
Anyone want to carpool?
May 6
Katy is attending denise's event
taxpayer state capitol protest at harrisburg
June 9, 2009 from 9am to 4pm
we are planning a state capitol protest. check out www.statecapitolprotest.com . we need help spreading the word across Pennsylvania. help us make this the biggest protest Harrisburg has even seen and get our taxes and their spending under control.
May 6
Meanwhile, she's getting some interesting comments.
So Katy doesn't come by her misinformation on her own. She's been well-schooled, by Glenn Beck.
Katy is now comparing herself to MLK.