Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 8/10-13. All adults. MoE 2% (No trend lines)
1. Do you think the health care reform plan being considered by President Obama and Congress creates "death panels" which have the authority to subjectively determine whether or not a gravely ill or injured person should receive health care based on their "level of productivity in society"?
Yes 11
No 72
Not sure 17
Despite this being an absurd suggestion, 11% of respondents think Obama is suggesting "death panels", and 17% can't be sure. Interestingly, those are eerily similar numbers to the birther poll, in which 11% thought Obama was not born in the United States and another 12% were not sure. What's the breakdown?
Yes No Not sure
Dem 5 88 7
Rep 26 43 31
Ind 8 76 16
Northeast 6 91 3
South 17 46 37
Midwest 9 81 10
West 10 78 12
On this one, Republicans stand out as answering differently than Dems and Indies. 57% of Republicans answered yes/not sure. The regional disparities are not quite as great as with birthers, though a slight majority (54%) in the South answered yes/not sure.
2. Does the health care reform plan being considered by President Obama and Congress require elderly patients to meet with government officials to discuss "end of life" options including euthanasia?
Yes 19
No 58
Not sure 23
That's a larger "yes" and "unsure" response to the question compared to "death panels" in the first question, suggesting a lack of information, misinformation (or, alternatively, not understanding the poll question.)
Yes No Not sure
Dem 9 74 17
Rep 37 31 32
Ind 17 61 22
Northeast 11 78 11
South 26 31 43
Midwest 17 68 15
West 20 64 16
Check the "no" column. Only 31% of Republicans answered "no" (the correct answer) to this question compared to 61% Independents and 74% Dems, and only 31% in the South answered no. Southerners were 3-4x more likely to answer "not sure" than other regions.
3. Which of the following do you consider to be the most accurate reflection of the health care reform plan being considered by President Obama and Congress? (ROTATED): A government take over the entire health care system OR The government will provide a non-profit health insurance option to compete with private firms.
Compete 47
Take over 26
Not sure 27
Compete Take Over Not sure
Dem 74 8 18
Rep 17 60 23
Ind 44 21 35
Northeast 62 10 28
South 28 45 27
Midwest 53 20 27
West 51 23 26
The idea that Obama is suggesting competition rathen than a take-over is established with Dems and Independents (but not surprisingly, Republicans are inclined to believe it a take-over) and polls a majority response everywhere but the South. As is the usual pattern, Democratic-leaning response to the question is strongest in the Northeast and weakest in the South.
4. Is Medicare a government program or not?
Yes 83
No 9
Not sure 8
Yes No Not sure
Dem 89 7 4
Rep 76 14 10
Ind 83 8 9
Northeast 86 8 6
South 80 10 10
Midwest 84 9 7
West 83 9 8
Straight fact question, no huge regional disparities but a slight R tendency to answer "no". Consider it a 'control' question.
So of those respondents who are more likely to believe in presidential death panels, forced euthanasia discussions and Kenyan birth certificates, Republicans are found in surprisingly high proportions. I wonder where they get their news from?