Don't trade the public option for public works.
Via Mark Ambinder, we learn that the White House will try to buy off the Democrats who support the public option:
The president continues to operate under the belief that liberals will warm to the bill when presented with a goodybag that includes includes an individual mandate, community rating, guaranteed issue, and a minimum required package. There's no chance, really, that a bill WON'T feature these reforms. Quietly, to secure and keep Democrats on board, the White House is going to bargain, providing inducements, like more money for favored projects, etc., in order to secure individual votes.
Thanks, but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere.
We have a bridge that needs repair in our community. It would take about $350,000. I am happy to keep driving a different road to avoid it if we all get access to affordable health care instead. Any Democrat who trades his or her vote to keep the public option in return for a bridge, a day care center, or a highway expansion, should be publicly embarrassed.
Iowa's official crazy person, Steve King (IA-5), loves getting money for expanding Highway 20. But he will absolutely not vote for any health care reform bill, even if Rahm promises six lanes paved with gold leaf. On the other hand, our resident Blue Dog, Leonard Boswell, will fold like a lawn chair in return for another 10 or 20 miles of Highway 30 expansion. What will Bruce Braley and Dave Loebsack do? Is there a project in Davenport or Iowa City that they have been trying to get funded? Are they willing to change their minds in return for funding? The only Iowans I am sure of are Grassley and Harkin. Harkin will not back off his strong support for the public option, and hell will freeze over before Grassley votes for any health care bill.
While you are calling congressional public option supporters to thank them, tell them you don't want any bridges if it means you don't get affordable access to health care. You could also mention that if they vote for a bill without the public option, you will want to know what they got from the White House in return. It should not be too difficult to match up the earmarks with the Blue Dogs and the spineless. For the Democrats who stand with the ones who brung 'em, who vote for what they promised during the election, a legacy of health care reform will benefit their districts long after the bridges have crumbled.