CO-Gov: Ritter In Deep Trouble, But Poll Is Disputed
Stringing out their Colorado polling releases for the whole week, PPP turns its attention on this Thursday to the 2010 race for Governor. The news is less than joyous for incumbent Democrat Bill Ritter, who trails former GOP Congressman Scott McInnis (46-38) while running no better than even with Republican state Senator Josh Penry (40-40). His job approval rating was also decidedly weak (40-45). In interests of full disclosure, one prominent local blogger (ColoradoPols) suspects that the tough numbers for Democrats are owed more to a GOP oversample than a real shift in opinion. PPP, in their defense, is hardly alone in presuming that the "likely voter" corps in 2010 will look very different than the electorate looked in 2008 or 2006.
NH-Sen: Republican Pollster Has It Close, And Strangely Decisive
Polling junkies are likely to have a few qualms with the following data: a GOP pollster called Populus Research has Republican Kelly Ayotte leading Democrat Paul Hodes by a pair of points in the 2010 open-seat battle for Judd Gregg's seat in the U.S. Senate. The problem? Populus has it 51-49 Ayotte. Nobody wants another alternative, apparently, and absolutely no one in the Granite State is undecided.
TX-Gov: Hutchison Starts Touring State; Perry Denies Existence
This dichotomy is a little bit entertaining: Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is launching her gubernatorial campaign this week, heading to West Texas tomorrow with a stop in Midland, part of a five-day, 19-city tour. For his part, GOP Governor Rick Perry still maintains that he might have a free ride in 2010:
"I don’t know who all is going to be in a primary [or] even if I’m going to have a primary or not," Perry said at a bill-signing ceremony in Dallas. He said the shape of the contest won’t be known until "there is finally a filing."
Hutchison appointed a campaign treasurer in her potential bid for governor in December 2008, according to the Texas secretary of state’s Web site. However, no statewide candidate, including Perry, can file for a place on the March 2010 primary ballot until December.
"Until everyone files, wait and see," Perry spokesman Mark Miner said.
Miner said he doesn’t believe that Hutchison’s announcement tour is going well, casting doubt on whether she will see the campaign through.
NY-Gov: Appeals Court Slaps Governor Paterson on Lt. Gov Issue
As if he needed another setback, a four-judge appellate panel in New York today ruled that Governor Paterson's appointment of Richard Ravitch as Lt. Governor of the state was unconstitutional. Paterson appointed Ravitch in the midst of the state Senate meltdown, presumably to end the ambiguity over how any tie-breaking votes in the deadlocked chamber would be cast.
NC-08: Another Day, Another Recruiting Near-Miss for GOP
When Robin Hayes announced recently that he would not seek a political resurrection against freshman Democrat Larry Kissell, the presumption was that outgoing Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory would step into the breech. Not so much, according to McCrory, who is apparently letting it be known that he will not make the race. McCrory would be the third high-profile recruit in the 8th district to decline a bid.
FL-Sen: Add Another Name to the List For Martinez Seat
The list for the appointment to replace Mel Martinez in the U.S. Senate keeps expanding. The latest name is Mike Bilirakis, the former 9th district Congressman. Unlike some others, Bilirakis said he would serve if asked. Crist has also requested that former state House Speaker Dan Webster submit an application. A decision, which was initially expected to be made sometime this week, now looks to be no earlier than early next week. One prominent GOP player is chiming in: Marion Hammer, a lobbyist for the NRA in Florida, prefers former Attorney General Jim Smith.
NJ-Gov: Corzine Touts Economic News, Files Against Christie
Chris Christie's bad news week is not getting any better, but at least in one sense, it's good news for New Jersey. New Jersey bucked a 17-month trend in July, adding 13,000 jobs to the state. Meanwhile, Democratic Congressman Frank Pallone is insisting that Christie provide full disclosure of his relationships within the U.S. Attorney's office, in light of yesterday's revelation that Christie bragged earlier in the year about "having" U.S. Attorneys in Newark, apparently at his disposal. The Corzine campaign team got into the act, as well, filing a legal challenge under the Freedom of Information Act for documents relating to Christie's tenure in the U.S. Attorney's office. That FOIA request has apparently been rebuffed for nearly half a year.