Remember Darcy ? Many of us has tried to help and get her elected in the past. Unlike some, on her defeat she didn't just fold up her tent and fade away. No, she got more involved and is helping the Liberals in the House stand firm.
An organizer for liberal House Democrats says the bloc "isn’t bluffing" as it prepares to take a reputation-defining stand to protect a public insurance option in the health care overhaul.
Darcy Burner, executive director of the American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation, said the health care debate has rallied traditionally disparate Congressional liberals to hang together, while galvanizing support for their position from an array of left-leaning outside groups. The result, she said, is that Democratic leaders will not be able to clear a package through the House if it does not include the public plan.
Many times over the years trying to get all the Liberals in the House to agree on something as been nothing short of a exercise in herding cats. That hasn't stopped Darcy, not this time. It is not going unnoticed on the Hill.Burner Helping House Liberals Hold Firm on Public Insurance Option
"We have never had the Progressive Caucus organized the way it is right now," Burner said during a Friday roundtable with Roll Call. "This is not the normal scenario. And Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi [D-Calif.] knows it."
Before I end this I want to talk a little bit about one foolish idea floating around out there. Tort Reform, the Rights wet dream, is being used as way to kill Health reform. Some are wondering why we can't just throw the Right the bone of Tort Reform? It must be pointed out that the only ones to win when it comes to Tort Reform are the Insurance companies that would no longer have to payout on their policys. There is only one way anyone should even stop to ponder giving in to tort reform and that would be complete and total Universal Health Care Coverage, and to be honest, even then I would be leery of voting for it. ( if I had a vote )