Justaposed with the attack on Abu Ghraib this morning is
this AP story just released:
Previously secret court testimony indicates an Iraqi general imprisoned by U.S. forces was badly bruised and may have been severely beaten two days before he died of suffocation during interrogation.
The US is reaping what it sowed. AG was a place of attrocity committed at our hands and now Iraq is the proverbial tar pit, sucking us under.
During the interrogation, Army prosecutors claim Mowhoush was put headfirst into a sleeping bag, wrapped with electrical cord and knocked down before the soldiers sat and stood on him, prosecutors said. The cause of death was determined to be suffocation.
The defendants - Chief Warrant Officers Lewis Welshofer and Jefferson Williams, Sgt. 1st Class William Sommer and Spc. Jerry Loper - have all denied wrongdoing, saying commanders had sanctioned their actions.
According to the transcript, witnesses said others had also beaten Mowhoush days before the Army interrogation. Their names and agencies were blacked out.
Col. David A. Teeples, the men's commander, said during the closed hearing: "My thought was that the death of Mowhoush was brought about by .... (blacked out) and then it was unfortunate and accidental, what had happened under an interrogation by our people."
They f'ing stuffed this guy into a sleeping bag and wrapped him with wire. Then they beat him to death, like a gang of wild dogs taking down its prey one snap at a time. It was sanctioned. The perpatrators were officers and a high ranking NCO. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Where is the outrage from Americans that this was committed in our name?