I am writing CNN NOW
I am fed up with having to suffer Carville/Begala as high profile spokespeople for Democrats.
"Any Democrat But Dean", that is.
I am going to tell them I switched channels to MSNBC --Chris Matthews of all people -- because he is much fairer. (Cspan might be interesting later, they will be commercial free in two houses with caucuses.)
Matthews spoke of Dean as a Goliath who all the others have been attacking and attacking and said it has had some effect. He is not knocking Dean as out of the game at all. Said Kucinich sacrificed principles for strategy by going to Edwards. Havent heard much more yet to report ...
Carville and Begala, on the other hand, were at it again, SMEARING Dean something awful.
I dont have time to go into it, but Novak + Tucker are NOT necessary when it comes to trashing Dean.
All gloom and doom for Dean. Played out, over. Edwards + Kerry are the grown ups, have sense of humor ... blah blah ... People like their messages. They chuckle when the 'opposition' pundits make nasty jokes and belittle Dean.
On Woodruff, just before C&B came on, they showed a Deaniac girl going house to house. The shot they CHOSE to use was her speaking to a woman in her doorway who said she was for Kerry. But not just for Kerry. She said with a sour look, "I dont like Dean"
CNN has been anti Dean for weeks, months and just isnt getting the message.
Also, the DNC needs to rustle up some new 'talent' to replace Kerry's/Clark's/Edwards'/Gephardts' campaign managers: Carville and Begala" before they see a DIME from me.