In the Murder of Census Worker Bill Sparkman we now know several key facts - he was naked, bound hand-and-foot with Duct-Tape, Gagged, Blindfolded, Hung (Lynch style) and the word "FED" written on his chest with Felt Tip Pen.
What I want to know is - where is the "America First Gang" who are always so all fired up to protect so many of our other Federal Employees and Government Workers - such as the Soldiers who committed Rape and Murder at Haditha or Moumudiya or the Cop who Arrested Prof Skip Gates for Breaking into his own House?
Where's their Holy Hell-Fire Outrage for the Murder of this man?
Are those Crickets I Hear?
I have a variety of thoughts on this subject so pardon my meandering a bit.
It's clear the distrust and hatred for the Federal Government in area such as Rural Kentucky is nothing new, going back through prohibition and all the way to the confederation - but there's a reason you don't hear a peep from those who love to stand in front of the flag and Pimp it for their own ends.
Those people have spent just as much time screaming "America Love it or Leave It" as they have saying things like this...
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told the Washington Times that she and her family will not be fully filling out the 2010 census forms. Bachmann, a Republican, said her family will only be indicating the number of people in the household, because "the Constitution doesn't require any information beyond that."
Bachmann believes the upcoming census to be "very intricate" and "very personal" and expresses concerns about ACORN's involvement in the data collection. The community organizing program came under scrunity after charges of voter registration fraud during the 2008 presidential elections.
"I think what the threat of ACORN would be deluding the ballot box and the effectiveness of our vote," she said. "They will be in charge of going door to door and collecting data from the American public, this is very concerning."
It should be easy to blow this off as just so much Wing-Nutbaggery if it wasn't for the fact that two Neo-Cons with a Punk'd Fetish just managed to get Congress to Completely Defund Acorn! - although such a move may in fact be completely Unconstitutional if they don't similarly defund Criminal Contractors such as Blackwater/XE, KBR and WackenHut.
Be that as it may, it still isn't the worst of it - on HuffPo right now you can actually VOTE on which is the Craziest Census Conspiracy Theory of All.
For the Record we have so far...
. ACORN! (Bachmann)
. Internment Camps (Bachmann)
. Taking Away Property (Neal Boortz)
. Indoctrinating Our Children (Michelle Malkin)
. GPS Low-jack for Massive UN Roundup (
. Predator Drone Missile Targeting of U.S. Citizens (
. Obama Power Grab (Washington Post)
. Takeover via Illegal Immigrants (Malkin)
Certainly it's premature to speculate presume than one, more or any of these particular theories may have been a motivation for this crime - but it's not unreasonable to ask the question, particularly since this is far from the first violent incident of this type.
We've had the Holocaust Museum Shooter who believed similar Conspiracy Theories involving Neo-Nazi Rhetoric, we had a Pittsburgh Cop Killer who allegedly believed "Obama is coming for my guns" and we have five people (two fatally) shot in Knoxville Tennessee by a man who wanted to Kill All The Liberals that Bernie Goldberg Told Him too.
Then of course you have Glenn Beck and his incessant Hate Speech against the President, Govenment and of course - Democrats.
Is there a firm connection in this case between all this Hate Speech and this obvious HATE CRIME?
But I do think that rather than back slowly away from sounding such alarms we should be thinking hard, long and seriously about them as Nancy Pelosi did just a few days ago. We do have to wonder if the overall tone and intensity of this type of rhetoric doesn't pave the way for the greater "acceptability" of the most wild and outlandish ideas - isn't it a bit like shouting "GUN!!" in an already burning theater?
To be fair, it could be argued that Dkos has itself thrown more fire than water on this subject with photoshop cartoons of Joe Lieberman and Antonin Scalia that made Bill O'Reilly loudly proclaim "They're a HATE SITE, the worst of the worst..."
But I'm thinking even the most viotriolic poster Dkos has ever had hasn't got anything on Stormfront or
Nobody on this side of the argument ever advocated Lynching a sitting U.S. Senator or Supreme Court Justice simply because we disagreed with him. No one on this side ever did a Mock Poisoning of the Speaker of the House! No one on This Side of the argument every actually Killed Anyone, meanwhile on the other side - the pile of bodies is simply rising higher and higher...
It's not a matter of "when" it all will erupt into violence - it already has the only question is when will it go from lone actors as the cases in Washington, Pittsburgh and Knoxville have been to becoming the pre-meditated organized actions of like-minded violent group?
Then again, maybe we've passed that Rubicon already as well.
How many people does it take to truss up a grown man in duct tape and hang him from a tree?
Just wondering...
Update: 9-26-09 2:37 pm Michele Bachman was confronted by Dave Weigel of the Washington Independent for her response on the killing of Bill Sparkman - being true to form and as outspoken as usual she Ducked and Covered!
After the speech, Bachmann had only a few minutes to sign autographs and collect a stack of CDs and books from fans who’d followed her into the lobby. I caught up to her as she headed outside and asked if she had any response to the murder of a Kentucky census worker, having noticed that the Census, a constant target for Bachmann, did not figure into her speech. Bachmann recoiled a little at the question and turned to enter her limo.
"Thank you so much!" she said.
Way to stand up for responsible free speech and against Hate there Michele.