Nice lifestyle, if you can get it.
Ford’s life could only be lived in New York. NBC sends a black car to whisk him to 30 Rock for "Morning Joe." He breakfasts at the Regency, favorite haunt of senior bankers. His favorite "hangout," a close friend said, is the Waverly Inn, the exclusive, clubby restaurant run by Vanity Fair editor and scene-maker Graydon Carter. After that, it’s Gray Goose vodka at the 35th floor bar at the Mandarin Oriental, one of the city’s most expensive hotels.
Then there's the course he teaches at New York University, putting together his campaign team and getting his fundraising ducks in a row, running the DLC, penning op-eds, doing afternoon TV punditry, and all those other things designed to further his political career. And of course, there's his social life and wife to attend to.
What I can't figure out is, when the hell does he go to work? Bank of America is paying him "at least" $1 million a year to do something, isn't it? Is that something anything more than advance payment for future services rendered if Ford ever makes it to the Senate?