The war in Afghanistan? Not going all that well.
The war on drugs? Um, move along please.
The war on poverty? Are we still even fighting that one?
But don't despair. There is a battlefront where there's been significant progress -- the war on reality.
In case you think that the general Tea Party lunatic positions on taxes, health care, and Aqua Buddha have distracted them from the battle lines of this engagement, Southern Fried Science has compiled a series of Tea Party statements where candidates and supporters reaffirm their allegiance to non-science. Whether it's O'Donnell's fury over mice with human brains, Sharron Angle's angle on the "hoax" of global warming, or the near universal disdain on the right for evolution, the Tea Party has not surrendered one inch to research and reason.
The editors of the journal Nature have declared that
The anti-science strain pervading the right wing in the United States is the last thing the country needs in a time of economic challenge. ... The [Tea Party] movement is also averse to science-based regulation, which it sees as an excuse for intrusive government.
Science-based regulation? Bah! Bring on the fear-based regulation. Insubstantial suspicions, deep-seated racism, voodoo-based economics, and pretty slogans with no connection to reality, those are the only means of regulation that the right endorses.
After all, when you're trying to lead America out of the 20th century by going back to the 19th, no reasonable statement (or reasonable person) can be left unassailed. Limbaugh has declared that science is one of the "four corners of deceit," so don't expect to find much endorsement for solving issues by means of study and reason.
In fact, your best move may be to take your kids out of that regrettably pro-science program at the local magnet school and line them up for certification as a haruspex. The way the right is going, there's sure to be a big call for reading entrails.
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