Watch this video and tell me what the odds are that somebody inside Rand Paul's campaign doesn't know the identity of the "man" who stomped on Lauren Valle's head outside last night's Senate debate:
As you can see, Valle -- who received a concussion -- was within five feet of Paul's vehicle when one of his supporters stomped her head and the whole incident unfolded as Paul emerged from his vehicle. Based on that video evidence alone, I can virtually guarantee you that someone in Paulville knows who he is and could help police identify and apprehend him. The thing you need to know is that the "rally" greeting Paul wasn't spontaneous -- it was staged, by the campaign. That's what campaigns do before debates -- all of them. And that means somebody -- a volunteer or staffer -- knows the identity of the man who stomped on Valle's head.
But even though it's clear Paul's campaign could help authorities apprehend culprit, the only thing we get from Paulville are cowardly statements blaming "both sides." If they really wanted to put a stop to this kind of violence, they'd help authorities figure out who the perpetrators were. Instead, we got false equivalency and misdirection.
Welcome to Rand Paul's America, in which there's nothing wrong with stomping on the head of a woman -- as long as you're trying to put him in power. And if you think this is bad, just wait to see what he does if he manages to win this election.