The latest proof that Democrats aren't necessarily doomed to lose this November's elections: according to the latest Rasmussen poll, with more than one in eight voters still undecided, Republicans have a minuscule three-point lead. The poll, showing the GOP at 45% and Dems at 42%, is the closest Rasmussen poll since the summer of 2009. It comes on the heels of a Newsweek poll showing Dems leading by five.
In fact, since the beginning of September -- when Democrats started to campaign -- the contours of the national race have shifted markedly. Take a look for yourself at the dramatic narrowing of the gap over just a few weeks time:
These trends suggest that the GOP may have peaked too early. Taking a victory dance in August may have felt good for them, but it also forced voters to consider the fact that this November they will face a choice between Democrats and Republicans, and a vote for a Republican means turning back to the way things were under Bush -- or worse. I'm not saying Democrats should declare victory or anything like that, but if there was one thing the Republicans could do to change this election, I'm sure it would be to eliminate the months of September and October.