Incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor sat down for a meeting with the leader of a foreign power and told him that he would serve "as a check" on the administration's foreign policy with that nation:
Last night, Netanyahu met in New York for over an hour with incoming House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), who is set to become the highest ranking Jewish member of Congress in history. The meeting took place at New York’s Regency Hotel, and included no other American lawmakers besides Cantor. Also attending on the Israeli side were Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, and Netanyahu’s National Security Advisor Uzi Arad.
Israeli sources characterized a one-on-one meeting between an Israeli prime minister and a lone American lawmaker as unusual, if not unheard of. Cantor's office did not think that Cantor and the Prime Minister had held a one-on-one meeting before.
A statement Cantor's office issued about the meeting noted:
Eric stressed that the new Republican majority will serve as a check on the Administration and what has been, up until this point, one party rule in Washington. He made clear that the Republican majority understands the special relationship between Israel and the United States, and that the security of each nation is reliant upon the other.
Now, just imagine if the tables were turned. Think back to 2007. Imagine if Nancy Pelosi sat down with the President of France and told him that she would serve as a check on the Bush Administration. What if she followed that up by noting the 200-plus-year-old special relationship that NATO ally France has had with the United States since LaFayette? She'd still be fighting the treason charges in court today.
But, as we all know, IOKIYAR.
(Additional discussion going on in xaxnar's recommended diary).