Disgusting, but not surprising:
When it comes to the GOP agenda, future House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) always looks for constructive input. On Wall Street Reform, Boehner was quick to consult corporate lobbyists on how to defeat it. On the GOP “Pledge to America,” he made sure to invite “senior Republican lobbyists” and “more than 20 trade representatives” to offer their advice, while summarily ignoring that of the public. Now, apparently seeking to flesh out the GOP’s social agenda, Boehner has invited another influential voice to the table: the far right Christian activist Randall Terry.
Randall Terry isn't just a "far right Christian activist." He founded Operation Rescue, the forced birth organization that terrorizes women and doctors at women's health clinics. It's also the organization that provided information to Scott Roeder, the man who murdered Dr. George Tiller. Even Operation Rescue has cut its ties to Terry because he's too extreme.
As Amanda Marcotte points out:
Randall Terry isn’t just your everyday anti-choice nut. It takes someone with a special level of nuttiness to get shunned by most of the anti-choice community, a community generally known for having a high tolerance for hysterics, attention-seeking, blatant lying, and quiet encouragement of violence against abortion providers. If you’re such a nasty piece of work that even Jill Stanek and Troy Newman can’t stand you, you must be something else.
But apparently, Terry's voice is exactly what Boehner wants to hear as he prepares to take over the Congress in January. So his staff held a meeting with Terry, where Terry delivered his list of demands:
We must demand that Republicans who won the House of Representatives hasten the end of legalized child killing in America. Their victory could be a strong step forward for the babies, but it also might be yet another set back after 50,000,000 dead babies.
We must not delude ourselves! The landslide the Republicans enjoyed in the House of Reps was a repudiation of President Obama’s overall agenda; it was about the economy, about jobs, corporate bailouts, the debt, and about his health care bill.
Yet we already see pro-life fundraising letters and petitions heralding this GOP victory as an automatic victory for the babies’ lives. This is simply not true!
When the Republicans are in power, pro-life groups and leaders become way too “polite.” We lose our edge; we don’t hold them accountable; we settle for trite phrases and broken promises as long as they will meet with us for 10 minutes, and we can take our picture with them, or they come to one of our meetings and receive some useless award.
I beg you to carefully consider my words; look at this situation with prophetic insight. Unless the Republicans do something concrete to save babies from murder, then they are collaborators with child killers, and we must treat them as such.
We have Pro-Life DEMANDS for Mr. Boehner & House GOP
We Must Play Hard Ball: They Must Fear Pro-Lifers!
Does Boehner really need to shore up his forced birth bona fides? After all, in May, he received the 2010 Henry J. Hyde Defender of Life Award, when, of course, he sobbed like a baby about his "hero" Henry Hyde.
In this era of American Taliban extremism, apparently even crybaby Boehner feels the need to assure his whackadoodle rightwing constituency of his devotion to stripping women of their rights.
But hey, it's not like Boehner hates women or anything. After all, he's going to give the ladies of Congess their very own bathroom!