You know, I've been called "a loose cannon" my whole life for the crime of speaking my mind. But what does one call someone who takes it upon themselves to single-handedly give a POTUS unqualified
permission to scrap the Constitution and the rule of law?
Professor John Yoo, who co-wrote the intolerable and despotic USA Patriot Act, and authored the now infamous "torture memos", giving former president(sic) George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, and the rest of his war criminal gang of thugs the legal cover to torture in all of our names, did just that.
And in doing so, he stomped on every good thing for which this nation was founded upon. Instead of cries for justice, I'm hearing that "Bush wasn't so bad" and there's even billboards plastered across the country with Bush asking, "Miss me yet"?
To them I say, I miss Bush & Cheney like I miss a "blind (folded) date" with a firing squad!
What exactly has happened to the America I used to know? You know, in another century in the America that once was --and is no more-- such tyrants who comitted these vile acts of treachery and barbarism openly without expressing one shred of remorse or common decency, would've lived to curse their own mothers for bringing them into the world! That is, while they were led up the gallow's steps to the hangman's noose!
Michael Isikoff writes in the article he published two days ago, entitled:
Report: Bush Lawyer Said President Could Order Civilians to Be 'Massacred'
"At the core of the legal arguments were the views of Yoo, strongly backed by David Addington, Vice President Dick Cheney's legal counsel, that the president's wartime powers were essentially unlimited and included the authority to override laws passed by Congress, such as a statute banning the use of torture. Pressed on his views in an interview with OPR investigators, Yoo was asked:
"What about ordering a village of resistants to be massacred? ... Is that a power that the president could legally—"
"Yeah," Yoo replied, according to a partial transcript included in the report. "Although, let me say this: So, certainly, that would fall within the commander-in-chief's power over tactical decisions."
"To order a village of civilians to be [exterminated]?" the OPR investigator asked again.
"Sure," said Yoo.
Who are these people? I mean, what episode of the Twilight Zone did I miss when they came into our lives?--Or in what sequel to the Night of the Living Dead did they appear, when I had apparently went to the kitchen and fixed a sandwich?
And what's really frightening to me is when one is so hell-bent for leather to stomp on the Bill of Rights for anyone, that it doesn't take an Einstein to extrapolate that the Bill of Rights doesn't protect anyone. If the Constitution falls on one point, it falls on all points!
There's a fine line between massacred villiages and towns and "unlawful enemy combants" captured overseas, and the massacre of American villiages, neighborhoods, and "homegrown terrorists".
And in Obama's haste to seek national unity, bipartisanship, and his taking the politically expedient route of "turning the page before reading the page", somebody forgot to remind him that in order for tyranny to prevail, good men and women need only do nothing!
And somebody also forgot to remind Harry Reid, that by his persisting in sacrificing our country on the altar of "senate comity", that our Democratic Majority --no small thanks to the almighty filibuster-- is just as good as Dead on Arrival!