Wow. Just, wow.
Palin is not only busted reading "answers" off her hand while taking questions at the Tea Party Convention, but we can even read what impossibly hard-to-remember details she just had to write down. Can't go messing up those big numbers, right? She can't forget or mis-pronounce the name of important world leaders, right? It's better to risk the possibility of being caught with it written on your hand than to screw up such important details, right? Right.
Watch her not-so-smooth-move as she looks to her hand for answers:
Hey, you don't get through five colleges without picking up some tricks, right?
Pics below the fold.
The AP snapped this photo, and we can see the hand is clearly written on.
Here's the complex information worthy of a hand cheat sheet:
Budget Tax cuts
Lift American Spirits
So, very Presidential, right? Wouldn't you think it would be easier to memorize six words than try to pull a lame Eddy Haskel stunt on national TV? And here I was bitching about all the coverage of her speech....for a while there, I forgot what a huge gift she is to the Dems.
You're welcome, David Letterman! (And every other comedian on earth!)
Oh, and hey, if you're registered, go over to Stefan Sirucek on Huffpost and give his blog post some attention. I found the photo, but I couldn't afford to buy it so Stefan chipped in the cash.
Update [2010-2-7 9:51:43 by Eileen B]:
Here's the CNN video of the Q&A where she checks her hand; then obeys her hand. At about 1:23, she checks her telepalmpter, then for the next minute or so....guess what she's rambling about? Energy and spirit, baby!
Gimme an "S!"
What does it spell?
Update [2010-2-7 18:51:54 by Eileen B]:
Well, I know this is shocking, but it seems Sarah Googles herself.
From Reuters today, Sarah has a new note on her hand....and it's not juvenile at all, right?
Nice to know you're visiting the liberal blogs, Sarah. Maybe you'll learn something? Nah. You've already proven you haven't learned that your response antics are just fueling the firestorm of mockery.
Anyway......Hi SARAH!
You think the Sharpie will replace Facebook as her primary mode of communication?
CYPRESS, TX - FEBRUARY 7: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (L) greets the crowd during a campaign rally for Texas Gov. Rick Perry February 7, 2010 in Cypress, Texas. Perry is running against Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Debra Medina for the Republican gubernatorial candidacy.
Thanks to Walt starr for the nice catch.
Oh, and thanks to Alessaundria Davenport for the word "HandPrompter" and ridemybike for coining the word telepalmpter! :)
Update [2010-2-8 2:20:0 by Eileen B]:
CNN has picked up the story:
BONUS: For a few huge belly laughs, I suggest heading over to this thread on Democratic Underground and check out all the new art on Sarah Palin's hand. Maybe even make one yourself!?