Sarah Palin recently had this to say...
"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how's that hopey, changey thing workin' out for ya?'"
This is my answer...
Pretty damn well actually, in just one year President Obama...
Passed Healthcare Reform (ending preexisting conditions, giving small business subsidies for providing insurance, Creating 3.2M HC-related jobs over the next 10 years, closing the medicare donut hole in drug coverage, ensuring coverage for all kids up till the age of 26, covering 32 million americans, expanding medicaid to cover the rest, all while cutting the national debt by a 100 billion dollars) - Check.
Signed into law Tax Cuts for all middle income families, and 95% of all Americans - Check
Signed an Arms control agreement with Russia to dismantle nuclear weapons - Check
Reauthorized SCHIP to cover all Children - Check
Saved the entire stock market from collapsing (from a low point of a dow of 6000 within a month of Obama taking office, to close to 11,000 just an year later, basically preventing millions of retirement accounts from getting wiped out) - Check
Ended the ban on travel for people with HIV - Check
Stopped the dismissals of homosexual individuals serving in the military by the Pentagon (It's the first step to dismantling DA,DT completely) - Check
Ended the federal crackdown on Medicinal Marijuana centers in CA - Check
Passed into law Mortgage Fraud Protections - Check
Ended the ban on Stem Cell Research - Check
Passed Student Loan Reform, and Used The Savings to Significantly Increase Financial Aid Loans and Grants - Check
Engaged in diplomatic dialogue with Middle Eastern countries, instead of using language like "Axis of Evil" that achieves nothing other than to piss them off some more. - Check
Passed Credit Card Reform (Minimizing Predatory Lending, Making the terms of credit cards clear, eliminating arbitrary rate increases) - Check
Since the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, have had the new job loss numbers from their peak right as Obama took office, go down steadily month after month, every single month like clockwork to the point that finally, this month is going to have job growth in the six figures (a trend expected to accelerate this whole year) - Check
Reversed the ban on sending foreign aid to countries with legal abortions (The Mexico City Policy) - Check
Signed the Expanded Hate Crimes Bill - Check
Helped stem down employment discrimination by passing the Lilly Ledbetter Act - Check
Extended Unemployment Benefit, helping millions of Americans stave off bankrupcy until the economy recovers - Check
Drew down troops in Iraq for a 2011 withdrawl date - Check
Drew down Gitmo detainees and making prepartations to close it by 2011 - Check
Increased the forces in Afganistan and brought to justice 500+ major Al Queda senior leaders in the past year (more than the Bush Administration brought in all eight years combined) - Check
Saved the entire US Auto Industry (GM and Chrysler) from going bankrupt thus preventing dozens of major factories and hundreds of dealerships from closing their doors - Check
Saved banks from going bankrupt to the point that they're profitable again and have now paid back all of government loans and bailout funds in full and with interest - Check
Signed into law, new mileage and emissions standard for cars and suvs - Check
Working on Education Reform and Financial Regulatory Reform so banks can't pull this crap again - The very next thing on his list
It's been a hell of a productive first year for him. He made good on more than 90% of what he promised while running for election. I can't think of many presidents who accomplish that much in eight years (especially on issues as big as healthcare reform). And that's just what I can remember. Do you guys have anything to add?
If you don't think that list is impressive, here's a few dozen more accomplishments in his first year that I haven't even had the chance to read all the way thru...
I would love to see someone in the media compile a more comprehensive version of this list to atleast cover all that this administration has accomplished in the past year and two months.
P.S: When exactly did posters of America's first Black President painted in White Face become socially acceptable?
P.P.S: Why do Democrats do such a piss poor job of standing by and talking up their own accomplishments. The Republicans have no problem sticking to even ridiculous talking points like death panels and accusations of fascism. But the democrats can't even show a chart of the actual national debt for and spending by President Bush vs. President Obama, a chart of the stock market, or a chart of monthly job losses since the recession started, in 2007. Every month, the number of jobs losses had been going up, higher and higher, month after month until a few months into Obama's term when the taxcuts and the stimulus were implemente into law. Since then, the job loss number have been steadily going down, month after month, at nearly the exact same rate they went up. Right till this month when job losses stopped completely, and the economy has finally started to add new jobs again. The dow jones was at 6000 a year ago. Now, a year after the bailouts that successfully saved key industries, including the entire US auto industry, on the verge of failure, the dow is back up to 11,000. And companies have started reporting profits and have started hiring again. The stimulus paved the way for the recovery.