Sure he's...The Boy In The Bubble...but...the world he lives The Looking Glass. Oh baby!
The 43rd POTUS actually believes that his personal relationship with Jesus is the foundation of his daily life and...therefore...the only basis for all of his actions. Laws? Democracy? Human Life? The Constitution? The Earth's Environment? Who needs these things when God is on your side and you're on The Mission that he gave you to accomplish? Ah! That's True Belief! The Warping Nector of Religious Fundamentalism!
Dubya seems to have an obsessive compulsive personality.
Beer. Coke. Power. Jesus. Golf. Pathological Lying. Institutionalized Killing. Biking (they took the golf clubs away after he started the killing). All these are the same. It's just the way Dubya escapes and divides up his time, but, this time, he's following a drug that is even more powerful than The White Lady(coke) and even more intoxicating than the Power of being POTUS. The drug? Religious Fundamentalism's distilled truth. True Belief! True Belief is The Best Drug of All!
Only in the depths of The Great American Spiritual Desert, where love is money, could a spoiled little disengaged rich kid grow up to be the president of a losing sports team...and...part-time snake oil salesmen...then...take what seems to be Brownie's become POTUS.
What is Dubya's Mission? Well? Isn't it to bring Jesus into The US Government? Doing God's Will through the powers vested in him by his own Unitary Executive Theory? Isn't Dubya trying to marry his Church to The State? Since The 1970's that's what the neocons have been all about.
It's esoteric stuff all fundamentalists get off on...and Dubya keeps on bumping up against that pesky old Constitution again and again. Heresy! The Constitution divides up power while it seperates The State from The Church. Can't have that if he's going to bring Jesus into The Rotunda and Marry him to merica.
So then there is Rove...doublespeak...political threats...partisan politics...enemies lists...stonewalling...lying...what Nixon's lawyers called 'ratfucking'...all in the name of Jesus. Being strung out on True Belief is like being on PCP...when it comes to attacking your foes....for if God is on your side...they must be sent by The Devil!
It's all about Jesus folks. The distorted Jesus in Dubya's Head...that is.
So where does that leave us? Dubya's base is at All Those Xenophobic Red States will still be immersed in all their fears and ingrown traditions...and...The Permissive Blue States will still be dealing with their ever changing existential realities. It's the Great Divide...biggest schism...since...The Civil War.
Under The Constitution The United States of America is one hell of a big family. We have disputes. Are we going to let this current administration play with fast and loose...that...all that has been fabricated...erupts...not only into the protests of The 1960s...but...The Domestic Violence...we..experienced during The 1860s?
It's a House of Cards.
The longer we let it go on...
the harder it's gonna fall.