Ken Starr's apparently trying to find political redemption. Today he appeared on MSNBC, and criticized right-wing attacks on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan as unqualified because she hasn't served as a judge. “It’s certainly not necessary,” Starr said, adding that she “has been an outstanding teacher, a wonderful academic, a very successful dean...[and] was a great community builder.”
MONICA NOVOTNY: Let me ask you this sir, no one is expecting Republicans to filibuster the nomination but as we’ve heard they are vowing to vigorously challenge her and as you’ve said, “that’s politics.” But is that the right strategy?
STARR: Well it may be good politics but I don’t think it’s good for the Court. We have been through a generation of very divisive politics which I think is not serving the Court well and therefore I don’t think it serves the country well. But far be it from me to question the tactics of folks who are elected by their constituents to carry a particular voice. I just wish for the sake of the country that there are less rancor and acrimony. Elections have consequences. President Obama has chosen someone who is very qualified.
It may or may not be good politics for the Republicans, but they've committed to a strategy of delaying and obstructing everything, including any SCOTUS pick Obama made. They're all in now, and are unlikely to let Ken Starr change their mind.