Thank you Rachel Maddow, for exposing Rand Paul to the nation for the dangerous extremist that he is.
"Anyone campaigning to be part of a federal lawmaking institution should expect to be asked, even pressed, on his or her views of the appropriate reach of federal law.
For years, I've felt that the relationship between Ron Paul supporters and establishment conservatism is one of the most interesting, relatively unexplored dynamics in modern U.S. politics. I intend to keep covering it, and I hope that Rand Paul and Congressman Ron Paul and members of the movement they've inspired will continue to be willing to participate in the conversation."
-Rachel Maddow
Here's the video:
Now that's a news interview. That's TV journalism.
That's the real thing. These days, when you see it, it's almost like you're seeing water again for the first time after spending 40 days in the desert:
The editorial board of Louisville's Courier-Journal didn't mince words following its sit-down with Rand Paul last month. Much of what the Republican Senate candidate supports, it wrote, "is repulsive to people in the mainstream," including "an unacceptable view of civil rights."
And yet Paul's view that the federal government should not have the power to force integration on private businesses — part of 1964's landmark Civil Rights Act — didn't get the attention of the national press until Wednesday
40 days. That's about right. That's how long it took before someone in the national US TV news media actually called a candidate for US senate on their bigoted view that restaurant owners should be able to ban blacks, latinos, jews, and asians from their restaurants.
If it weren't for Rachel Maddow, would the US TV news have ever confronted Rand Paul on his insane beliefs? There's every reason to believe they wouldn't have, given their corporate bias and Rand's Libertarian corporate Wall Street agenda.
Thank you Rachel Maddow, for warning America about what Rand Paul and the Teaparty he represents really stand for: A country where whites can kick blacks and jews out of their restaurants. Thank you for getting Rand Paul to admit it on national TV. Outing them as the dangerous extremists that they are is a national service and we are grateful there's at least one journalist out there on television with the integrity to simply ask professional and responsible questions. For the first time in a long time, I feel like there's someone out there on TV news with the integrity, professional sense of responsibility, and gravitas to make the phrase "Fourth Estate" seem as important as it should. Wherever he is, Walter Cronkite is smiling.
Update [2010-5-21 3:50:33 by greentank]: Thanks so much everyone. First diary. First rec list. I'm personally very humbled, and excited. But I know that this diary is where it is because of Rachel Maddow's talent and integrity, and because people want to express their gratitude to her for it.