So after all the sturm und drang and building the November campaign around obstructionism and health reform repeal, what part of the bill does the American public want to repeal? None of it.
For context, from The Hill:
In the months since that bill became law, top Republicans like House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) have called repealing healthcare reform the GOP's "number one priority," though Republicans have battled internally over whether they should repeal it in full or in parts.
The Hill reports that a poll from 60 Minutes/Vanity fair shows that effort has failed.
A plurality of Americans said they would prefer Republicans to leave the new healthcare law alone and repeal no parts of it, a new poll found Tuesday.
Given the option to name the sections of the healthcare law they would most like to see the GOP repeal, 42 percent said they would leave the bill alone and repeal no parts, a new 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll found.
But if there is one section voters would like to see stricken from the healthcare law, it seems to be the individual mandate -- the requirement that all Americans buy health insurance, or face stiff penalties.
30 percent of Americans said they would like to see Republicans get rid of the individual mandate, by far the provision in the healthcare law that voters would most like to see removed, if they favor any kind of repeal at all.
Here are the numbers:
Don't look for the GOP to run against the mandate; that's the only part their insurance industry patrons likes.
(note: I don't see a MoE on the poll.)