Via Capitol Fax Blog, here's the Methodist Forest Home Chapel in Ithaca, N.Y.

This is where Mark Kirk taught in the nursery school part-time as a college student. It's also where his campaign says he learned how to distinguish between "the kids who were the brightest lights of our country’s future, and . . . those who bore scrutiny as people who might bring a gun to class."
Looks pretty damned seedy to me. I wonder where the metal detectors are?
Update: The Kirk campaign, undoubtedly recognizing the absurdity of the statement, says it's all a mistake in punctuation, or something.
Correction to New York Times Story Confirming Kirk Was a Teacher
June 17th, 2010
Yesterday, in its story confirming that Congressman Kirk once worked as a teacher, the New York Times incorrectly attributed a background statement to Kirk campaign spokesperson Kirsten Kukowski as follows:
"His spokeswoman said the congressman was referring to nursery school students in Ithaca, not his students in London, during that speech on the House floor in 2006."
Before and after publication, the Kirk campaign made it clear that the clause "brightest lights of our country’s future" referenced nursery school kids in Ithaca, New York while the "bore scrutiny" clause referenced a few kids at Milestone School in London. As we told the reporter, Mr. Kirk taught mainly English and some foreign students at Milestone. A few of the kids he taught came from difficult family backgrounds and he was surprised by what they saw at home and regarded as normal behavior.
The Times’ mistake is unfortunate – but sometimes mistakes do happen.
Right. Because it's so easy for British middle-schoolers to get their hands on guns.