Here's Sharron Angle's latest display of teabagging brilliance, from a May 26 interview recorded with a Nevada TV station:
QUESTION: You have been in support of onshore drilling in the United States as well as offshore drilling, are you rethinking that policy with what is going on in Louisiana?
ANGLE: No. I think that what happened in Louisiana was an accident. They're cleaning it up. ... We have oil reserves and petroleum reserves that we should tap into. And that's a policy that we really need to look at as a nation. How do we deregulate enough to invite our industries to come back into the United States and quit outsourcing their business?
At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sharron Angle and Rand Paul go on the campaign trail together, hitting every stop they can in Wingnuttistan, doing their level best to make America the dumping ground for companies like British Petroleum.