What would happen if MSNBC gave yet more TV face time to a crazy racist teabagger?
Why, he'd probably use their air to say crazy, racist things, and then deny he was a crazy racist, and insist that crazy racists don't exist among the teabagging hordes.
Wow! I'm right!
When host Tamron Hall asked why not “move forward” by condemning extremism in both camps, Williams instead pointed fingers, blaming all cases of racism on agent provocateurs Crash the Tea Party. Even more absurd, Williams said it is “impossible” for the tea party movement to contain racist elements:
HALL: Do we move forward by either side calling out extremism in their party? [...]
WILLIAMS: It’s impossible — it’s impossible for there to be a racist element in the tea party, you don’t get it! The tea party is about human rights, it’s about the United States constitution. The United States constitution mankind’s foremost human rights document.
HALL: What about the signs of the president as an African with a bone in his nose? What is that? Is that about the constitution?
WILLIAMS: Those signs were brought by Crash the Tea party, the coalition of anti-tea party groups, google crashed the tea party. You will find it all there. ... Buy my book!
Ta da! The party of personal responsibility comes out with both forefingers furiously pointing!
Mind you, you can expect more of the same. Although dozens upon dozens of you expressed your utter astonishment that anyone could be so completely insane, the sad reality is that the NAACP staff says they're already under attack as "the next ACORN" for having pointed out that yes, people who attend teabagger rallies have prominently displayed racist materials. Surely we'll all soon be treated to lectures from Glenn Beck about how the NAACP's consciousness of racism is the real racism -- a message you shouldn't be surprised (even if I can't stop you from being shocked by it) to hear delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
Hope we can find some "bipartisan compromise" with these guys real soon! It'll totally be worth it!