Step one: NAACP calls on tea partiers to get their act together and repudiate racist elements within the tea party movmeent.
Step two: Sarah Palin mocks the NAACP on Twitter for suggesting that "liberty-loving, equality-respecting patriots" are racists.
Step three: Fox gets outraged that NAACP would suggest that there any racists in the tea party to repudiate; links NAACP to made-up New Black Panther Fauxtrage.
Step four: The National Tea Party Federation kicks tea party leader Mark Williams out of the tea party...for racism.
So here's the question: If there weren't any racist leaders in the tea party, then why did the National Tea Party Federation expel Mark Williams? And will the rest of the tea party "movement" join the National Tea Party Federation? And what about Sean Hannity, who had like others on Fox, had a special affection for Williams?