What if the unspeakable should occur and Republicans manage to recapture the House of Representatives in November? JDubb7 at Three Fingers of Politics takes note that in such a case Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota has her two-item agenda all set: Defund programs established by the Democrats and investigate the Obama administration and the Democrats 24/7.
“All of our chips are on November. If we don’t get it back and then starve the beast – the House, we have the power of the purse – so we can starve ObamaCare. We don’t have to fund any of these programs and that’s exactly what we need to do – defund all of this nonsense and then unwind it.”
And second: Investigate the Obama administration and the Democrats in general.
“I think that’s all we should do,” Bachmann said at the GOP Youth Convention in Washington on Thursday. “I think all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another and expose all the nonsense that has gone on."
As BooMan writes:
What 'nonsense' would that be? Running for president while a legal citizen of Kenya? Getting elected on the back of ACORN fraud? Setting up death panels to kill grandma? Setting faux Black Panthers loose on Center City voters? Violating the Tenth Amendment? Going Galt without a boarding pass?