Michelle Bachmann unplugged:
“Oh, I think that’s all we should do,” Bachmann said. “I think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another. And expose all the nonsense that is going on."
More? Sure:
“This is the year – this is it,” Bachmann continued. “All of our chips are on November. If we don’t get it back and then starve the beast – the House, we have the power of the purse – so we can starve ObamaCare. We don’t have to fund any of these programs and that’s exactly what we need to do – defund all of this nonsense and then unwind it.”
In a rare moment of honesty, Michelle Bachmann illustrates the real agenda of the GOP. They are going to do all of the things their nutcase base is calling for. They are going to focus on one thing and one thing only: turning the federal government into the soundbyte factory for Fox News.
Breitbart will be brought in for testimony on civil rights. Tancredo will be given a large platform for discussion about changing demographics. Orly Taitz will be brought in to provide perspective on the Constitution. Name your conspiracy. Every single nutcase teabagger fantasy will be placed front and center on the legislative calendar.
The Villagers will say, "no..they'll have the responsibility to govern." No, they won't. They'll make that OUR responsibility since the Democratic party is the only one that accept that government has responsibilities in the first place. They don't believe we need a government for anything except war.
This is the choice America faces: A House of Representatives that does it's damnedest to address the serious problems this nation faces, or one that veers into the realm of paranoid fantasies, racism, and bigotry.
She's right. All our chips are on November.