John Hickenlooper must have borrowed Harry Reid's lucky rabbit's foot.
First, Dan Maes has to pay a $17,500 fine for campaign finance violations. And he still won't comply with a Denver Post request for his financial information.
Then, Scott McInnis gets hit with plagiarism charges.
The results of this is that both men are not doing so well in the polls for Colorado Governor, where Hickenlooper is the only candidate on the Democratic side.
Enter the wild card.
Tom Tancredo, possibly the least sane major politician in the state of Colorado, has announced his intention to run 3rd party. TT issued an ultimatum to Maes and McInnis, calling on the winner of the primary to step aside and let the GOP bosses choose a new candidate if polls showed them trailing Hickenlooper.
Since neither Maes nor McInnis took him up on his deranged offer, Tancredo has thrown his hat into the ring. He will run on the American Constitution Party ticket, thereby splitting the Tea Brained vote.
I like John Hickenlooper. This is good news for him, and for Colorado Democrats.
Shouting Match on local conservative radio between TT and Dick Wadhams, the Colorado GOP head.
Delicious money quote from Wadhams:
"What’s your agenda? What are you going to talk about? Impeach Obama and bomb Mecca?" Wadhams asked.
Yes, even the GOP leadership knows TT is numbered among the lunatics.
Update 2:
Ben Smith at Politico has the news that the Constitution Party's current candidate, one Ben Goss, is stepping aside to let Tancredo have his spot.
Ben Goss said Tancredo, who’s been studying the American Constitution Party’s platform, mirrors many of his own views on abortion, family values and fiscal issues.
Goss likened Tancredo to his "megaphone."
"It’s not that I’m not a strong conservative," Goss said. "But I don’t have the same ability to bring focus to my message and to marshal and motivate resources."
My question is - is this legal? Look for the state GOP to try to find a way to say it isn't.
Update 3:
Link to Wadham - Tancredo lovefest recording
I haven't listened to it but would appreciate your comments.