Sharron Angle has made her position perfectly clear -- having agreed with and then twice refusing to disavow the claim -- she believes that there are "domestic enemies" within the "walls of the Senate and the Congress." But given that she hasn't been willing to step up and name names, let's just add this to the long list of Angle's far right-wing views and move on ... to the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). Because according to an NRSC spokesman:
Frankly, the more Harry Reid tries to make an issue out of this, the more out-of-touch it makes him look. We welcome this debate.
Then let's have the debate, starting with, does the NRSC agree with Sharron Angle that the Senate and the House is littered with domestic enemies bent on destroying America?
Either the NRSC agrees with Angle, in which case it's time for them to start naming names, or they don't. Which is it?