Sharrrrron Angle isn't doing so well making friends.
Several Nevada news outlets declined Sharron Angle's recent request that media who interview her be her "friend," ask questions she wants to answer, and allow her to ask for contributions.
Of the Nevada television stations and newspapers Media Matters approached, just one, KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, would give her a place to ask for money, and none would allow her to choose questions.
"She could come on and ask for money if she will just come on," said Ron Comings, news director of KLAS-TV, a CBS affiliate, noting he would be willing to do that to bridge the gap she has created with local media.
But he added, "We have to be able to ask our questions, that is what the media does. We ask tough questions of the people who want to represent us. If it is just the matter of money, though, we will let her come on and beg for her $25."
Comings was referring to Angle's comments during an interview with Fox News last weekend, (see below) in which she said she needed the press to be her "friend" and allow her to give out the address of her fundraising website.
She also added: "We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer, so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."
Has there ever been a supposedly serious Senate nominee this unprepared to deal with reality?