Inspired by the uprising in Tunisia, Egypt is seeing the start of an uprising today.
"This is an historic day in Egypt's history because we have started to say 'no'," said Mohammed Saleh, who had joined protesters Tuesday night. "I'll tell my children someday that I was standing here in Tahrir Square."
Gamal Mubarak, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's son who is widely tipped as his successor, has reportedly fled to London with his family, Arabic website Akhbar al-Arab said on Tuesday.
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Statement by Hillary Clinton:
With respect to Egypt, which, as your question implied, like many countries in the region, has been experiencing demonstrations. We know that they’ve occurred not only in Cairo but around the country, and we’re monitoring that very closely. We support the fundamental right of expression and assembly for all people, and we urge that all parties exercise restraint and refrain from violence. But our assessment is that the Egyptian Government is stable and is looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people.
Here is a moment that may be talked about for a while.
Remind you of anything? Action really starts at 1:20
Two Egyptian civilians and a police officer have died after a wave of unusually large anti-government demonstrations swept across the country.
The two civilians died in the eastern city of Suez, according an interior ministry offical. One, who had respiratory problems, died after inhaling tear gas; the other died after being hit with a rock thrown during a protest, the official said.
Meanwhile, in Cairo, a police officer died after being hit in the head with a rock during the capital's biggest protest in Tahrir Square in the city centre, the official said.
Thousands of Egyptians took to the streets on Tuesday in what were reportedly the largest demonstrations in years, and which they explicitly tied to the successful uprising in nearby Tunisia.
What do protesters want?
The creators of the event, which is purely inspired by the Tunisian Jasmine Revolt, has 3 clear demands:
One: Raising the minimum wage to 1,200 EGP and providing subventions to the unemployed.
Two: Ending the State of Emergency which has been caused a long paralysis to the Egyptian civil and political life for more than 3 decades, and releasing all the detainees who are prisoned with no definite charges.
Three: Dissolution of the People’s Assembly of Egypt, the Egyptian Parliament, and changing the constitution to limit the presidential terms to two only.
AlJazeera English has lots more
Twitter has been shut down in Eqypt, but the subject is trending here
Tweet of the Day:
"Yesterday we were all Tunisian. Today we are all Egyptian. Tomorrow we'll all be free."
Daily Mail has some amazing pictures here
Guardian UK liveblogging here.
Best US coverage so far is CSM.
More Raw Video from AP.
Is this an Islamic Uprising?
In Mideast Activism, New Tilt Away From Ideology NYT
Statement of intent for demonstrations by youth groups.
Curfew ordered. Protesters say they won't leave.
A large security force moved in around 1 a.m. Wednesday, arresting people, chasing others into side-streets and filling the square with clouds of tear gas.