Confused, hateful, or both?
Sarah Palin is charging that President Barack Obama is “hell-bent on weakening America” by pushing to raise the national debt ceiling.
“What I believe that Obama is doing right now — he is hell-bent on weakening America,” the possible 2012 Republican contender said Friday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.”
She accused the president of “purposefully” trying to harm the country and acknowledged that her stinging comments might “get some people all wee-weed up again.”
Palin noted that in 2006 then-Sen. Obama had “said it is a sign of failed leadership to support raising the debt ceiling, and now he is doing exactly that.”
“[H]e understood that debt weakened America, domestically and internationally, and yet now he supports increasing debt,” she added.
If the need to raise the debt limit really is a plot by President Obama to weaken America, then he's got some pretty surprising co-conspirators, including Charles Krauthammer ("you can't not pass it, it is catastrophic") Dana Perino ("political and economic disaster"), Andy Card ("we cannot have the U.S. government fail to honor its obligations to the rest of the world in this debt"), and George Will ("it's suicidal").
Each of those conservatives knows that if Republicans were to block a debt limit increase, they would be plunging America into to the middle of another financial and economic crisis with catastrophic results for both the GOP and the nation. That's not a plot cooked up by President Obama -- it's reality.
If Palin understands this -- and I suspect she does, given her support for TARP -- then her attacks on President Obama represent a cynical exploitation of the extreme right's irrational hatred of the President of the United States. And if Palin doesn't understand this, then she's even more confused about reality than we could possibly have imagined.