That's right folks, President Bush is the left of the DLC on the question of whether Kofi Annan should resign. I don't understand why the administration has done this (re-election is out of the question, so maybe there is some hidden quid-pro-quo going on), but they've also stuck a knife in Norm Colman's back too:
Bush Administration Breaks Silence to Back Annan
The Bush administration expressed confidence in U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Thursday and said he should stay in office, in a belated rebuff to demands from Republicans in Congress for his resignation.
"We are expressing confidence in the secretary-general and his continuing in office," Danforth said, "No one to my knowledge has cast doubt on the personal integrity of the secretary-general. No one."
"We are not suggesting or pushing for the resignation of the secretary-general," said Danforth, adding that he was speaking for the White House and the State Department.
Danforth should have a look at the DLC. They've been casting all kinds of doubt the "personal integrity" of Annan. More...
The Price of Credibility
Annan's intransigence should not deter the Senate subcommittee on investigations or other congressional investigations. Volcker can hardly be expected to conduct a thorough and unbiased inquiry into a scandal in which the U.N. secretary general and his son are involved. The world deserves a full and thorough accounting of what transpired. The sooner the United Nations can get past this matter, the sooner it can get back to the important business of making itself an effective instrument for collective security against terrorism, failed states, and acts of genocide, a goal that Annan has strongly supported. The secretary general should place this critical mission ahead of his personal interests, and step aside. Given his own lack of credibility on the oil-for-food program, this step is the price Annan must pay to help restore the U.N.'s credibility, and to salvage his legacy as secretary general.
Apparently, they've now issued a correction after Bush stabbed them in the back. They offer lamely, "Actually, in calling for the secretary general to "step aside," we simply meant to convey that he should remove himself from any involvement in the oil-for-food investigation..."
"The DLC -- To the Right of George W. Bush since November 2004!"