*For a while I’ve been posting monthly updates on the Trump-Musk shitshow, what I was calling “Good Job, Trump Supporters.” However, the pace at which this administration is demolishing the United States government has made this approach untenable. As...
by traigo12
0 Recs
I’ve had enough and so have you. Tomorrow I’m going to do something about it. Our rights are being trampled on, government resources we all count on are being unfunded, closed down, or reduced in staff below viable levels. Sooner or later one of these...
by Mike Rofone
0 Recs
I feel confident to say that as a Kentuckian I have every right to throw stones at my fellow Kentuckians when they act stupidly, which is most of the time nowadays. This CNN video is from Jan 20th, but it looks at the reactions of teachers in Bell...
by Merlin196360
2 Recs
Welcoming Air Force One to Daytona
by rogereaton
3 Recs
A couple of days before this diary, I published Balancing Power: The Fight Against Partisan Blindness and Kleptocratic Rule. Predictably, "idea" pieces on the Daily Kos do not receive high recommendations due to the allure of scandal-driven news and...
by jasciu
1 Recs
Yes, Americans will “find out” — the disastrous results of Trumpism are inevitable — but Democrats can proactively help ensure the right lesson is learned and thereby help bury both Trumpism and Reaganism In my previous diary, I discussed how vital it...
by Rob in Vermont
2 Recs
I have been following the numerous Trump resistance cases in various courts with interest. They’ve been an interesting watch and a fun ride so far to be sure. But there should be no mistake: they are mostly doomed in the end — and in the context of...
by Al Bert
7 Recs
The following illustrates how the fascist playbook is unfolding in Trump’s America. As he shapes his dictatorship, he is simultaneously eroding the country’s social contract, both domestically and globally. The postscript lists the rulings of the...
by KirkLC
2 Recs
On Valentine's Day, Donald put up an article on The White House website called : Wins Come All Day Under Donald J. Trump. Self-serving pat on the back, PR fluff garbage. A weekly report card. The items listed were: Marc Fogel being released from Russia...
by Bill Addis
4 Recs
"He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” - Donald Trump, 2/15/25 Thanks to the Supreme Court, that’s what Donald Trump now thinks. And maybe he’s right. I’m waiting to see what happens when he defies a court order and a federal judge orders...
by fishnmike
7 Recs
Welcome. This is a weekly feature of North Carolina Blue . The platform gives readers interested in North Carolina politics a place to share their knowledge, insight and inspiration as we take back ...
by randallt
5 Recs
Trump is the living embodiment of what Dostoyevsky described when he wrote: “The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for...
by Cetacean101
4 Recs
Every where you turn, you hear that Felonious is giving Poots in Poots and his master, Xi, what they want, an end to the rules based order. I think that is pretty accurate. Felonious' team wants the return of the Great Game, global imperial competition...
by Sandoval
1 Recs
Very unelected President Musk, his very unelected band of young incel acolytes, convicted felon, traitor and all-around imbecile Trump, and all of his many, many chickenshit coward enablers in this lawless Administration and the Republican Party as a...
by JunglelandDan
7 Recs
Uniting other countries is something Trump does well. I have taken to reading the news from sources outside the country, the CBC, BBC, etc. Part of what we are really losing is quite evident there. A recent op ed in the Vancouver Sun, painful to read,...
by Radsci
10 Recs
To be blunt, Tom Homan is a fucking Jack Ass.
by Frank Vyan Walton
156 Recs
If I break the precepts, but it doesn’t seem to hurt anyone, does it matter? The real question is whether it increases attachments, and thus leads to more suffering later on. Karma is not a matter ...
by Mokurai
5 Recs
I have told this story before about my experience with Elon Musk. I was doing some sales consultation work as a contractor for Solar City, run by his cousin, but chaired by Musk. They were the leading solar distributor in North America, maybe even the...
by Wandering In The Desert
15 Recs
This is the sixth installment in a series about using social science to save democracy. Previous diaries are here: Get Yourself and Friends Ready to Fight Put Trump's approval ratings in the toilet where they belong It’s the Corruption, Stupid...
by Anthropologist
15 Recs
Navalny In Memoriam
by drmichaelegan
9 Recs